Why dream of sour cream?

In a dream, a person can do and see completely different things. In each symbol seen there is a certain information, which can concern both the present and the future. For correct decoding, it is important to consider not only the main object, but also other important details of the plot.

Why dream of sour cream?

Night vision, in which someone treated sour cream, means that you can soon expect to receive a profitable proposal or a large inheritance. To see how a cat is sour cream in a dream means you can count on getting an invitation to a celebration. Liquid sour cream is an omen of conflicts. Sleep, where it was necessary to pour sour cream, means that the existing plans are not allowed to materialize.

Why do you dream about fresh sour cream and cottage cheese?

To buy fresh milk products in a dream means that the dreamer is working too much and does not want to receive help from other people. Night vision, which featured fresh sour cream and cottage cheese, is a favorable sign, indicating a strong health and well-being.

What does a thick sour cream dream about?

Such a plot means that soon you can count on a major success in a profitable business. The dream, in which I had to beat up sour cream until thick, indicates that soon I will have to make efforts to provide for my family. Too thick sour cream means the appearance of problems in family relationships.

What does a spoiled sour cream dream about in a bank?

Sour sour cream in a dream is a harbinger of a quarrel with a second half. Dream, where sour cream formed mold, indicates the loss of something important and valuable.

Why dream of eating sour cream in a dream?

Such a dream is a good sign, which promises an increase in the material situation. For people in a relationship, such a story means a speedy wedding, and for sick people, a full recovery is promised.