Collagen hair wrap

Daily hot styling, coloring, highlighting and chemical curling of the strands make them dry, lifeless and very brittle. Collagen hair wrap is able to restore the curls healthy shine, beauty and elasticity, to cope with the problem of cross-sections and entanglement. This procedure is carried out simply and fairly quickly, and the result of it is stored for 2 weeks. With regular application, a cumulative effect with a longer action is noticeable.

Why do I need a collagen wrap?

In the skin and hair contains fibrillar protein (collagen), which is destroyed under the influence of various damaging factors. Particularly adversely affects the state of the strands of laying ironing and hot air.

The procedure is intended to fill the lost collagen, restore and improve hair, seal the exfoliated scales and the tips of the tips. As a result, the curls become silky, soft and smooth, shine, do not get tangled and do not break.

Collagen hair wrap at home

Described care can be done in a beauty salon, but it is not difficult to perform it yourself. To do this, you need to buy a special complex of professional products, for example, CoolHair Collagen System. It consists of 2 means:

  1. Shampoo - prepares hair for wrapping, carefully removes all dirt and skin fat. In addition, this product feeds the follicles, saturates them with vitamins and beneficial microelements, prevents loss.
  2. Mask - contains fibrillar protein, silk, amino acids and B vitamins. It instantly saturates these components and restores curls, fills damaged structures, glues flakes and exfoliated ends.

Collagen wraps hair at home - a very simple and quick procedure that will take no more than 40 minutes of time. At first You need to wash your hair with a shampoo and dry it with a towel. After that, the curl is uniformly applied to the mask with collagen and a polyethylene cap is put on. From above wrapping is warmed with a dense cloth or a terry towel, and then warm up the whole "construction" with a jet of warm water (do not use a hairdryer) for 10 minutes. The mask should not be washed off, the hair should be immediately put with a hair dryer, pulling them with a round brush.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure every 2 weeks. After 1-2 months, you can make a correction less often due to the cumulative effect of the wrapping.