Why dream of collecting potatoes?

Any person on the planet after a busy day goes to bed. Someone sleeps a lot, some are few, but all people see dreams. Someone dreams of color dreams , someone black and white, someone bright and colorful, someone short and blurry. Some people remember their dreams, others do not.

In the opinion of most people in a dream, the subconscious of a person tries to tell him something, protect him from any situations, suggest some step in life. In order to decipher such dreams there is a huge number of dream books in which various famous people decode different dreams.

Why dream of collecting potatoes?

In different dream books, collecting large potatoes in a dream, most authors agree that the person who dreams of such a dream will soon be lucky in career and money. Perhaps he will receive a promotion in salary increase or a big bonus for some work done.

Why dream about collecting small potatoes in a dream - then a person can expect disappointment in the case, which he is currently leading or recently started. If such potatoes are also rotten, it means that you can safely throw the case, which is now important and start a new, leading to success .

If a person collects potatoes in the garden in a dream, then to which not many know this. And this means that a person will have to work hard and work hard to achieve results. If you collect potatoes with your hands - this indicates a scant result with a lot of energy and energy. If you collect potatoes with a shovel, and the potatoes are large and beautiful at the same time, it means that luck has smiled and the work will pay off a hundredfold.

Each person decides whether to believe in the meanings of dream books or not, but experts in the majority tend to the fact that dreams about potatoes are only good.