Orange liqueur

Liqueur as a separate drink appeared in the Middle Ages. At that time, many doctors, monks, alchemists were obsessed with the idea of ​​creating an elixir of eternal youth, a kind of universal medicine for all diseases. The medicine for death, of course, could not be created, but as a result of the experiments sweet and fragrant alcoholic drinks with different fruit fillings appeared.

The process of making liqueurs is very simple, and the constituent parts are easily accessible, so many home craftsmen started to create their own recipes.

To prepare liqueurs based on orange, juicy pulp and peel are used. White veins are better to throw out, they give the drink bitterness.

Orange liqueur at home



We wash the oranges, very carefully. Each orange is cut in six places, like a flower, we take out the pulp and squeeze juice into the jar. In the same jar we pour vodka and pour out all the sugar. In a linen or gauze pouch, we fold the peel of oranges and cinnamon sticks, put them into the prepared liquid. We put the bank for six weeks in a dark place. At the end of the period, take out the bag from the liquor, and let the orange liqueur through a clean linen cloth and pour on the bottles.

The second variant of orange liqueur is a recipe for instant cooking.

A simple recipe for orange liqueur



Oranges are well washed and thinly peeled off them, without white films. Cut into cubes the pulp and mix it in a saucepan with zest, sugar and lemon juice. Without ceasing to stir, we heat the mixture on low heat, but we do not give a boil, only to dissolve the sugar. The resulting syrup is mixed with cognac. Liquor from oranges is ready, you can serve on the table.

Liqueurs are consumed both in diluted form and in many cocktails.

Cocktails with orange liqueur

Blue Margarita



Pour tequila, liquor and lemon juice into the glass. Add ice cubes and mix everything. The cocktail "Margarita" is ready for use!

Cocktail "Cosmopolitan"



Mix vodka, liquor, lemon and cranberry juice. Add ice cubes and beat well. On the surface of the cocktail we squeeze the essential oil from the orange peel. Pour lemonade and mix again. Well, now our cocktail Cosmopolitan is ready.

And, finally, another tip: the more tightly sealed and the longer the liquor is sustained, the better its taste qualities.