Lavender color in the interior

This shade has a very beneficial effect on man, has a relaxing and soothing effect. Unfortunately, because of its originality lavender color in the interior is not so often used, but almost always the result justifies the risk and expectations.

The combination of lavender color in the interior

In the past few years, designers have actively begun to use this color and once again proved its versatility:

Interior in lavender tones

For lovers of minimalism or other modern style, it is worth trying a combination of lavender with gray , silvery and even black flowers. The room will be stylish and cozy, and the atmosphere is relaxing, but not cold.

Lavender interior with white, golden and cream colors is a good solution for small rooms. Also, these colors are quite suitable for decoration in the classical style or modern.

Lavender color in the interior of the kitchen is often the choice of women romantic and balanced. The main thing to choose a pair of warm light colors, so that the kitchen does not seem cold. In the interior for the kitchen in lavender tones, you can use sand, brown, warm green and chocolate colors.

The combination of lavender color in the interior can be contrasting or monochrome. For example, light monochrome textured walls and a coating for bleached oak flooring will be an ideal background for furniture made from natural light wood, and due to the accents of the color of lavender you will introduce dynamics into the design. These can be pictures on the wall, cushions or carpet on the floor.