Vaccinations for travel to Colombia

Today, Colombia can be attributed to countries exotic and even somewhat dangerous. Therefore, preparation for the desired trip should be at the appropriate level. In addition to the necessary things, documents and means of communication, for a trip to Colombia, vaccinations are also needed. Taking care of your health is a personal task for every tourist. You will have a long flight across the ocean to unfamiliar tropics and jungles, where simple negligence can lead to sad consequences.

Obligatory vaccinations

When you are going to Colombia, you need to listen to WHO recommendations and supplement your vaccination schedule, as well as visit your family doctor well in advance. Mandatory visits to Colombia are:

  1. Vaccination against yellow fever. It is put once every 10 years no later than 10 days before departure. For children under one year and pregnant women, this vaccination is prohibited. Periodically border control of Colombia along with other documents from tourists necessarily asks for an international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever. Also worth noting is that at the international airport El Dorado in Bogota, these vaccines are introduced free of charge to those who wish. However, during a trip through the tropical jungle, the risk of the disease does not decrease. If, after Colombia, you plan to visit Costa Rica , then it is worthwhile to take care of the vaccination in advance: there, the certificate is asked from every person who enters.
  2. Vaccinations from hepatitis A and B. Unfortunately, in many countries of South America, outbreaks of these diseases periodically occur due to poor sanitation and personal hygiene.
  3. Inoculations from typhoid fever. They are mandatory for all tourists who plan to eat and drink water outside of official hotels and restaurants.

Recommended vaccinations

When deciding on voluntary vaccination, remember that all medicine and even ambulance services in Colombia are paid. Travel agencies recommend that you arrange medical insurance in such a way that it includes air evacuation services in case of serious illness or injury.

In any case, you can ensure yourself additional peace of mind, if you put some recommended vaccines for a trip to Colombia. The most important of them are:

  1. Vaccination against rabies. It is recommended for those who are not going to sit in the cities, and wants to spend their holidays in the countryside, where there is a very large number of animals. Especially it is worthwhile to listen to recommendations to those who plan to visit caves and other places of accumulation of bats.
  2. Vaccinations from diphtheria and tetanus. They are put once in 10 years and guarantee you a serious protection against these diseases. Particular attention should be paid to them lovers of eco-tourism and those who plan a visit to the southern national parks of Colombia .
  3. Vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella. They are recommended by WHO for all tourists, since 1956 of birth.
  4. Measures against malaria. If you are going on vacation in areas below 800 m above sea level, then there is a risk of malaria. It is necessary to drink the appropriate course of drugs before departure and take the necessary stock of tablets with you just in case. These are the areas of the Amazon, the provinces of Vichada, Guavyare, Guainia, Cordoba and Choco.

And the last recommendation: before going to Colombia, check whether there is currently a sudden outbreak of a disease, especially in the area where you are going.