Why does not flower hippeastrum?

Many amateur growers like the refined and elegant flower of hippeastrum . However, not everyone he pleases with his color, and many want to find out why they do not blossom hippeastrum. And this happens because the flower is rather capricious, and non-observance of certain features of care for it and leads to the fact that the flower of the hippeastrum does not bloom. Let's try to understand the reasons for this.

The bulbous plant of hippeastrum is popularly called a room lily. The flowers of this perennial are of a variety of colors: from pure white to burgundy. Blossoms an indoor plant of hippeastrum once or twice a year, forming up to six flowers on one peduncle. Some lovers of indoor flowers are interested in how many flowers of hippeastrum. Its flowering can last up to three weeks, and if the flower-nodules are two or three, then up to one and a half months.

Hippeastrum does not bloom - causes

The absence of flowering in each case is explained by the specific reason from the following list:

  1. The plant is too young. Four-six-year-old bulbs are ready for blossoming. If the bulb has a diameter of about 6 cm, then it's a baby and it's too early for it to bloom. Feed them regularly with nitrogen and potassium, and an overgrown plant will soon please you with its color.
  2. Malnutrition. Transplant hippeastrum every year, because during this time the flower takes all useful substances from the ground. In addition, gippeastrum should be fed: after flowering - potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus, and in the flowering period - only phosphorus and potassium.
  3. Lack of light. This is one of the most common reasons for the lack of flowering of the hippeastrum. Therefore, it is desirable to keep it on the southern windows.
  4. Pot of inappropriate size. Hippeastrum does not bloom, but only builds up the leaves in case the bulb sits in a spacious pot. Transplant it into a smaller pot that will not have more than 3 cm from the bulb to the edges of the container. Another way to make the hippeastrum blossom, which has a lot of foliage, is to stop watering and cut some of the leaves. Perhaps, so you will push the plant to blossom. However, do not forget to provide the flower with a sufficient additional feeding for the next spring.
  5. Deep landing. Bulb should be deepened into the ground only half. If it is too deep, then the plant will not bloom. Many children can also delay the flowering of the gippeastrum. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to separate the "kids" from the main bulb at each transplant.
  6. Violation of the resting mode. Like all bulbous plants, hippeastrum needs a rest period. After the flowering has ended, the flower stalks need to be cut off, leaving about 10 cm from the soil level. Watering at this time should be moderate. In October, the rest period of hippeastrum begins. By this time, starting around September, watering and top-dressing is completely stopped. The dried out residue of the peduncle is removed by rotational movement, and the pot and the onion are placed in a cool dark place. Withered leaves must be cut. After about three month bulb should be dig out, examined, cleaned of old roots and put in a container with a new earth and a good drainage layer. If hippeastrum does not want to go to rest, you can use this method: dig a bulb with leaves and put the plant on its side. In this position the sap flow is stopped and the flower "falls asleep". Children gippeastrum at rest do not need.

Summer gippeastrum can be planted in the open ground. This will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the plant.

Having provided proper care for hippeastrum , you can admire the beautiful and abundant flowering of this wonderful plant.