Natalie Portman confessed to the threats of rape

During Women's March 2.0 in Los Angeles, one of the speakers was the famous Hollywood actress Natalie Portman. She said that at an early age she was forced to seriously change her behavior in order to avoid threats of sexual violence.

The young actress, they say, "woke up famous", after the release of the film "Leon". Natalie got the role of the girl Matilda. The actress believes that she was faced with the task of telling the viewer about the growing up of a small orphan, her becoming a future woman, trying to understand her goals and desires, and the ability to express them:

"I remember well my shock. I was 13 years old, I was excited, full of expectations. It was important to me, what response my work will receive in the hearts of the audience. And what do you think? I open my first letter, received from a fan, and there is a monologue of a man who fantasizes about my rape! "

On this "adventure" of the actress did not end. On the radio, there was even a program in which the hosts counted the months before the 18th birthday of Portman, so that it could be quite legitimate ... to sleep.

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Film critics did not lag behind admirers and journalists:

"They discussed my bust, and my whole body in my essay. Yes, I was only 13 years old, but I quickly realized that if I do not show my sexuality, I can be safe. Otherwise, men will have the right to discuss my body, and this brought me huge discomfort. "

Natalie had to change. She deliberately said "No!" To all roles in the cinema, where there were romantic scenes, or at least hints of them, including kisses. She did not talk to journalists about "slippery" topics. The actress thought out her image to the smallest detail, she tried on the image of the "profession" - behaved in public and dressed appropriately. It was an attempt to secure my body. She wanted to make the audience listen to herself, and not to look at her appearance. This approach to the discussions of her body, the star called "sexual terrorism."

Here's how Natalie Portman voiced her dream of the future before the audience at the Women's March in Los Angeles:

"I dream of a world where you could choose the clothes that you like. About a place where you can safely express your desires, say what you want and do not think at the same time about your safety, your authority. It would be a world where women could show their sexuality without fear. We are with you and want to build such a world, and it is far from defining the "Puritan".

The Desire Revolution

At the end of her speech, the famous actress called on women and men, all people, regardless of gender, to speak clearly and loudly about their desires:

"I want to hear from you what you want. Let's continue our revolution, but for this we need not hesitate to talk about our needs and desires. Let's say loudly: "That's all I need! That's what I want! That's how you can help me so that I can have fun! ". Let us together create a world in which the principles of mutual respect, harmony and equality will work in the expression of our desires and the attainment of pleasure. Long live, the revolution of desires! ".
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Note that Natalie Portman joined the Time's Up movement at the end of last year. This organization is struggling with manifestations of sexual violence and harassment in show business. Activists have already managed to raise $ 13 million in a charity fund. These funds will be available to the victims of hiring at work to obtain competent legal assistance.