Rules of conduct in the camp

In summer, most children enjoy themselves in various camps. In the first weeks it is a school camp, and then you can send a child to the sea or pine forest to gain strength and energy for a year ahead. The child should be ready to comply with the regulations, otherwise there may be trouble with management.

To rest was safe, it is necessary to comply with the rules of conduct in the children's camp, a document on this is signed at the official level when the parents bring the child.

The rules of conduct for children in a day school camp and in a summer camp outside the city are somewhat different, or rather, supplemented by points on safety on the water, outside the camp, etc. Let's learn about these standards in brief, as the full volume is presented in each camp individually, depending on the specific requirements of the institution.

General rules in camp territory

As already mentioned, the individual characteristics of each particular camp take place, but there are also common features that do not change for decades, and most often they concern the safety of children, for which the leaders and the camp leaders are responsible:

  1. Always listen to the elders (educators / counselors), in moments of disagreement and controversy, resolve conflicts with the help of adults.
  2. Complaints on all sorts of inconveniences are required to express through a special magazine or book, which is in every unit.
  3. Smoking and drinking of any alcohol are strictly prohibited.
  4. Keep clean the surrounding area, do not harm the environment.
  5. Clearly on schedule to clean up the area of ​​the detachment.
  6. It is impossible to carry deliberately dangerous objects to the camp territory. Violation of this rule threatens with immediate exclusion from the institution.


That breakfasts, lunches and suppers passed in the planned mode, without observance of rules here not to manage:

  1. Washing hands before eating is observed first.
  2. You need to eat only at the tables in the dining room, not taking food out of its borders.
  3. In addition to clean hands, the child should have clean clothes, not beachwear, and you also need to remove the hat (boys).

Quiet time and hang up

It is not at all necessary to sleep in a quiet hour, but silence must be strictly observed, and besides this there are other requirements:

  1. Before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the room.
  2. You can not raise your voice and go to other rooms / chambers.
  3. It is forbidden to turn on the light after the lights-out, except for emergency situations.

Bathing in the water

Special care requires behavior on the water, when there are many children around, and adults are several times smaller. Therefore, non-observance of the rules is simply impossible:

  1. You can swim only an hour after eating.
  2. To enter the water is allowed only with the permission of the responsible person (coach).
  3. Do not dive, throw water in the water and do not swim where prohibited.

Such rules are very numerous, but their essence is clear - they simply need to be observed, so as not to violate the order of the camp and not jeopardize their lives and health.