How to reduce your appetite?

A good appetite is a companion to the lives of those who constantly struggle with excess weight. It would seem that if we sense an appetite, then the body knows what it needs, and maybe a piece of cake will be very welcome now. But in fact, with such thoughts we consolingly comfort ourselves and suppress glimpses of conscience, common sense and guilt in front of ourselves for the corrupted figure. Alas, very many people who lose weight are puzzled by how to reduce appetite , and if you can distinguish between the propensity for vices and the voice of the body, appetite would be considered a really positive aspect of life.

Appetite in the evenings

We all know that after six, it's bad, harmful and shameful. But why exactly after six do we just want to eat? Perhaps, it's just a ban, because we always reach out to the forbidden, first of all. But, not exacerbating the psychology of our desires, let's talk about how to reduce the appetite in the evening.

The most effective method is to brush your teeth after the last meal, so that it does not become the penultimate one. First, it will work psychologically - "I do not want to get my teeth clean". Secondly, any, even the most delicious, food after the toothpaste will be an unpleasant, sour taste. The question is: do you want it?

Another twofold way is training. Just exercise for 20 minutes and your body, firstly, will not have enough to eat (he will already have time to forget about it), and, secondly, you will just be sorry for a couple of minutes to make up for the calories lost in sweat.


During PMS and the menstruation itself, do not stand on the scales, do not worry for nothing - your body has actively accumulated fluid, the uterus has increased, all this leads to a natural increase in weight, which after the menstrual period should (!) Go. But it is very useful at this time to think about how to reduce the appetite before and during the menstruation.

First, it's a healthy meal. The organism releases into the blood a minimum of iron so that it does not just lose it during the loss of the blood itself during the menstrual period. Therefore, your natural hunger will reduce the inclusion of iron-containing foods in the diet:

Foods to lower appetite

There are also substances that reduce appetite and are outside the PMS. These include water. Often we confuse thirst with hunger, but it would only be worth drinking a glass of water - and the body is satisfied.

Protein products also saturate well and contribute to easier rejection of harmful snacks. Include in your diet cottage cheese, beans, kefir and milk.

To increase the mood and succumb to the temptation to "seize" the ills will help fruits and vegetables that contribute to the production of hormones of happiness. Among them are bananas, although they are not recommended for eating during weight loss, but nevertheless, they are certainly more useful and natural to relieve stress than waffles with condensed milk.

Chromium is responsible for a stable level of sugar in the blood. If there is enough chromium, it means that you will also want less sugar, so pay attention to wheat, coarse flour, cheese, black pepper.

For those who are extremely important not only how to reduce appetite, but also lose weight, you need to be determined with a set of allowed sweets (because without them, life loses something!). For example, everyone knows that chocolate is potentially useful to everyone, especially in moderate doses. But chocolate to chocolate is different, and while milk chocolate only fuels appetite, black chocolate - it suppresses.

Means to reduce appetite

A natural remedy, reducing appetite, is a full-fledged sleep. When you do not sleep, you have a shortage of vital energy, and the body, knowing that sleep does not give it, draws strength from food. Get enough sleep - and there will be much less wanted.

If you adhere to the balanced diet and the regime of the day, problems with animal appetite (even during PMS) will become completely invisible.