Participation of grandmothers in raising a child

The participation of grandparents in the upbringing of a child, as a rule, is determined by a number of factors, among which we can distinguish:

Each of these factors has a lot of nuances and features in the application to each individual family. If the grandmother does not take part in the education of grandchildren, everything is simple here. This is a private matter for everyone and children have no right to insist, let alone condemn. Let's talk in more detail about those situations when the participation of grandmothers is the most direct and active.

Pros and cons of "grandmother" education

As in any situation, in the education of children grandmothers have their pros and cons. Let's begin with the list of undoubtedly positive sides :

But not everything is so uniquely smooth, there are also negative moments :

Of course, in the question of the participation of grandmothers in the upbringing of the child, there are many other moments that, mainly, depend on the family and the personal characteristics of people. Therefore, all decisions regarding the measure and the degree of this participation must be addressed individually.