Beaches of Chile

The amazing country of Chile , stretching along the Andean mountain system and opening up to the Pacific Ocean, is an excellent beach resort. Despite the fact that in Argentina and Brazil the coastline is more designed for the most demanding tourists, Chile also boasts chic beaches with white sand, tropical vegetation and good conditions for recreation . These places are suitable both for fans of a measured beach holiday, and for connoisseurs of active and sports holidays with an armpit surfboard.

For traveling around the country and visiting the beaches, it is best to choose a rented car. It should be noted that the condition of the roads in Chile is the best in all of Latin America, and every person who has reached the age of 21 can rent a car with rights and a passport.

Having gathered on the trip, it is recommended to get acquainted with the photos of the beaches of Chile in order to get an idea for yourself, on what to stop from the presented variety of options. Here are just some of the beaches that you can visit.

1. Beach of Pichilemu (Pichilemu).

Located 20 minutes from the center of Pichilemu. This is one of the favorite places for surfing, here you can catch a high enough wave. For families, the beach is not suitable, because there is no necessary ramified infrastructure. The coast is quite deserted, here and there you can meet the tents of lovers of "wild" recreation. The sandy beach is different from many others in Chile, as the sand here is dark, and the coastline is surrounded by boulders and rocks, the landscape is rocky, all this makes the landscape incredibly picturesque.

2. Anakin's beach.

This is the most inaccessible, but at the same time one of the most beautiful beaches. It is located on Easter Island, and you can get to it only by flying on an airplane, which will take about 5 hours on time. But, once in place, you can enjoy a truly amazing view, which explains the incredible popularity of the beach among travelers. The best time to visit Anaken is the period from November to March, the rest of the time it rains.

3. Beach of Renyaka (Reñaca).

This beach is loved by surfers because of the very high ocean waves. Unlike Pichilemu, Renyaka has many cafes, souvenir shops, chalets are given for rent. You can reach it in 15 minutes from the center of Valparaiso. The beach is surrounded by some of the best hotels in Latin America, which are never empty during the surf season.

4. Los Piqueros Beach.

It is located in the territory of a national park 40 km to the north of the city of Chanaral. Entrance to the park territory is paid, 4 $. The road to the park is quite dangerous, it is not asphalted. The beach is quite stony, sometimes rocky shore, washed by high waves. Los Piqueros is ideal for extreme leisure. Before the closure of the park on the beach, rescuers work.

5. La Virgen beach.

The beach is rightfully ranked in the list of beaches in Chile and is considered one of the best. It is located 35 km from Bahia Inglesa (English Gulf) near the town of Coquimbo ( Coquimbo ). Due to the fact that it is in the bay, there is azure-clear water and there are no high waves, therefore, rest on this beach will suit families with young children. In addition, will enjoy the purest white sand and good infrastructure: on the beach there are many cafes where you can eat fresh seafood and enjoy cocktails. On La Virgen around the clock are on duty, and parking is available (the cost of one parking day is $ 12). In addition, on the shore are rented a small bungalow, which can accommodate for the night.

6. Kintai.

Less than 50 years ago in this town there were active whaling, now it is considered one of the best for rest of the whole family. The beach is equipped with a large diving center with experienced instructors, there are cafes and restaurants around the clock, many hotels of the city are on the first coastline to this beach. The main purpose of the divers coming here from all over the world is an old fishing boat, flooded off the coast of Valparaiso, to which everyone wants to dive, inspect it or take a photo.

7. Zapallar.

This beach is considered the most picturesque not only in Valparaiso , but also throughout Chile. Thanks to its fine snow-white sand, turquoise waves and green hills, this beach has become a haven for many couples in love and a place of registration of marriages. Despite the fact that this place is considered quite popular, it is not too noisy and you can relax both as a family and as a friendly company.

8. Algarrobo.

Algarobbo - the most popular among fans of diving and outdoor activities. The water is transparent with low waves and white sand. In this place you can practice underwater hunting and fishing. Around the beach there are many places for excursions and walks.

9. The city beach of Valparaiso.

The city beach of Valparaiso is located directly in the city. It is good for lovers of relaxation in a noisy company with music and beach sports. Here you can do surfing, sailing, competitions are organized for the construction of figures from sand. On the beach there are cafes and bars with a variety of menus.