Character by handwriting

It is graphology, a science that helps to reveal the connection between a person and his character in handwriting, reveals all the main signs that help determine the main personal qualities of each person .

Recognition of character in the form of handwriting

Density and coherence of the written - they determine the main signs in the character of a person. It is worth noting that the person can not consciously change his handwriting, but over time he changes.

  1. A large handwriting is usually peculiar to extroverts, a person whose character attracts people to himself. Such individuals are not shy, have high self-esteem, do not mind to boast of their leadership qualities.
  2. Fine handwriting is usually for introverts, that is, for those who have their inner world in the first place, and only in exceptional circumstances can they fully manifest their character. This type of handwriting indicates a lack of false pride, of restraint. Introvert prefers spending time in narrow companies, can be closed. Often, such personalities find it difficult to find a common language with others.
  3. The sweeping handwriting of those whose character is dominated by the notes of masculinity, pride, shows a desire for self-affirmation (and the larger the capital letters, the more this desire). Moreover, the sweeping can be interpreted as an unconscious desire to fulfill a major role in many life branches.
  4. A sharp handwriting indicates that the character of a man combines aggressiveness and education. Often these are insightful, clever, but also cunning personalities. In addition, this handwriting is not always found in good-natured people.

Determining the nature of the handwriting: neatness, the tips of letters and pressure

  1. If written can be called scrawls , then their owner is unbalanced. In many cases, such people do not have a strict regime of the day: they go to bed late and start their day very early, and their work is full of stress and nervous situations. The positive side is that such handwriting is considered a sign of genius, because absolutely all genius people, it is illegible.
  2. A light, clear handwriting speaks of a strong and calm person. Such clarity speaks of a healthy, stable psyche and an excellent physical form.
  3. Weak pressure indicates a person who is inclined to compromise, yielding to manipulation. In the case when there is no pressure at all, it is not excluded that the individual has problems with self-esteem (it is understated) and some complexes are present.
  4. Average pressure occurs in purposeful people with developed willpower. In addition, such people value themselves highly and they are not the first to keep everything under control.
  5. Strong pressure from those who live in a world of material pleasures, experiments of a sexual nature. Sometimes such pressure is characteristic for emotional, hysterical people.

If we talk about the tips of letters, then, if, let's say, the "tails" of some letters go down strongly, this is a clear sign that the person is sexually active, full of passion and sexual desire.

When the upper tips predominate, it speaks of the spiritual elevation of man, sometimes such a handwriting belongs to believers.

Slope of handwriting

  1. Direct without slanting handwriting - a testimony of inner harmony man, his restraint, balance.
  2. Strong inclination in the right side: such a person enthusiasm every moment that appears, then fades. It is also a sign of energy, of some amorousness.
  3. A slight tilt in the same direction is characteristic of open people, benevolent, but at times impulsive.
  4. A weak inclination to the left indicates the manliness of character. It is by reason, and not by feelings, that its owners are guided.
  5. A strong inclination to the left is a sign of resistance between the external coldness and the inner emotionality of nature.