Roasted beets

Beets are not uncommon in our region. Sweet root vegetables are often added to cold snacks, salads, or fill their soups, but you rarely see a person eating beetroot as an independent vegetable, or saithe to a meat dish, for example. To correct this unpleasant culinary mistake, we undertake a selection of recipes for baked beets.

Recipe for beets baked in the oven



Oven warm up to 180 degrees. My beet and clean, cut into quarters. In a small bowl, mix orange juice and zest, vinegar, sugar, butter, thyme and pepper. Pieces of beets are immersed in a marinade along with chopped onions.

From the foil we make an envelope, we put beets with onions, pour marinade and carefully pack it. Beetroot baked in foil will be ready after an hour, before serving it you can sprinkle with parsley greens, pour with oil and season with salt to taste.

Thus, you can cook beets baked in a multivark, for this, put the vegetable in a bowl and cook in the "Bake" mode for 1 hour, then pour with vinegar marinade, butter and sprinkle with herbs.

How to bake beets in aerogrill?



We clean beets, washing and cut into plates. Water the plates with oil and vinegar, salt and pepper to taste, wrapped in foil and put in aerogril. Cooking beets in aerogrills is very simple and fast - 200 degrees, 30 minutes on bottom grille and you're done!

In principle, ready beets can already be eaten, and can be supplemented with a delicate goat cheese . We chop the green onion and mix it with soft goat cheese, add a little milk and fill the resulting confectionery bag with the mixture. We put the beet plate on a plate and squeeze the cheese mass onto it, put one more plate on top and repeat the procedure. In the end, you should get a "tower" of 3 beetroot plates with a cheese layer. Ready dish is served with a salad mix, sprinkled with nuts. A light and tasty snack is ready to serve.