Solarium during monthly

Before an important event or trip you want to look 100% and one of the great ways to transform your appearance is to visit the solarium. But it happens that the trip to the salon coincides with the onset of menstruation and the woman wonders if it is possible to sunbathe with menstruation. To deal with this issue, it is necessary to understand how these two processes affect each other.

Can I sunbathe with monthly?

Most doctors do not recommend this. The reasons are very different. The most simple and obvious is wasted money spent. The fact is that during menstruation in the body, melanin is practically not produced, thanks to which a beautiful shade of skin appears. That is why the solarium and monthly things are mutually exclusive.

Here common sense works. As for the woman's health, it's harmful to sunbathe during the months and some cases are even dangerous.

  1. During this period, the body has lowered the level of hormones, which may well provoke strong bleeding against a background of high temperature. For this reason, you can not visit the bathhouse or lie in a hot tub.
  2. The solarium during menstruation is dangerous because it can cause a spasm of the vessels of the uterus.
  3. For obvious reasons, you will use tampons at this time. There is also a certain threat. At high temperatures and heavy bleeding, ideal conditions for the onset of inflammatory processes are created. This is another reason not to combine a solarium and monthly.
  4. Remember that a solarium during menstruation can cause dizziness and general weakness, but for women with high blood pressure it is completely contraindicated.

Visiting solarium during monthly

If a light tan is very necessary or time to wait simply no, then with a monthly can be in the solarium provided that the rule: use a sunblock and drink plenty of fluids. If there is an opportunity, then the first two days are better at all to avoid visiting the salon, as the bleeding is very plentiful these days, and the condition of the woman leaves much to be desired.

After sunbathing and taking a shower, try to calmly rest and avoid physical activity in every possible way. At least two hours after the procedure, you must lie down and rest, otherwise the bleeding may open. If you can not postpone the procedure, then try to minimize all possible complications after it.