How to light a bonfire without matches?

A bonfire is an integral part of any trek. It helps to prepare food and warm the tourists. In general, to light a fire with a match they take matches, less often a lighter, but it can happen that there is neither one nor the other at hand. In this case, people's ways will help, how to light a fire in the forest without matches. It is better to get acquainted with them in advance and even practice before the trip.

How to light a bonfire without matches and lighters?

There are several ways how this can be done, but all of them are based on the fact that you must first get a spark, and then, using natural flammable or flammable materials, make it a real flame.

No matter how you intend to obtain fire, you must first collect dry grass, moss, sawdust, birch bark, leaves, pine needles or take rags or cotton wool. All this is called a tinder - a material that very easily lights up.

How to light a fire with sticks?

This method is the most time consuming of all. It consists in that it is necessary to take a stick (a drill) and a plate, in which a small depression is made. We put a stick in it, pin it between the palms and start to twist it, until the board begins to smolder. Under this place it is necessary to put a tinder, which, if hit into it, the coal will light up.

How to light a fire with a flint?

Everyone knows that flint, when struck against iron, produces a spark. Therefore, to get the fire, you need to put the tinder (the rag or moss is best for these purposes) and near him begin to carve a spark from the stone. With a flint and a metal object (a clasped or a knife), you can even light a fire in wet weather.

How to light a fire with a lens?

The method is to focus the light in one beam with the help of a glass and direct the sunny bunny so that it falls exactly into a pile of tinder. In a few minutes it will light up. As a lens, you can also use a piece of ice or a water-filled balloon.

Non-standard ways to kindle a fire

These include:

After you managed to get a spark, so that your efforts were not in vain, you should follow the basic recommendations how to properly light a fire:

With these skills, you will not be afraid of any trouble in the campaign.