Zeitnot - how to beat the time pressure, the technology of chaos management

The old term "time trouble" came from chess and became actively used by busy people. Its meaning is simple - this is a lack of time. Thus, this definition sets people up for activation, for acceleration and for approaching deadline .

A time trouble - what is it?

Parties in checkers or chess, or other board games have limited time to think about their move. Time zeitgeist - this is the same time interval, which has already been consolidated not only in party competitions, but also in the lexicon of modern man. Many important projects, the preparation of which is limited in time, have their own time pressure, at the onset of which the work process is maximized.

Time and time pressure

In fact, temporary time trouble is a test of the strength of a person. His reaction and actions in a situation where to think already is once the indicators of the inner world. Time and time trouble love the following traits of a person's character :

Many do not know what time trouble means, and they do not even notice that he is actively present in the life of every person. The end of an important project, the decision of the test work, the passing of the tests are all situations where, for the small remaining time, you need to make the right decision, answer the questions quickly and without hesitation. In such situations, people either fall into a stupor, or they make the right decision.

Time trouble - what to do?

Modern work in the time trouble mode is not always effective. Most employees can not make important decisions in a time-limited mode and allow simple errors. For such actions, people who have received special psychological training and are morally ready for any surprises are chosen with such a favorite staff manager with the resume item as "stress-resistance". The main rule in this situation is calmness and organization, and in no case is panic allowed.

How to overcome the time pressure - the technology of chaos management

It is believed that the exercise manager "Tseitnot" greatly affects the work of employees. A certain order of actions makes it possible to achieve the highest professionalism in any field, most importantly, correctly prioritize existing priorities:

  1. The first is to carry out key tasks, the solution of which will lead to the rest.
  2. Correct allocation of necessary resources for decision making.
  3. A group of works having a common beginning or additional similarities.
  4. Identify the main goals.
  5. Correct allocation of time between each employee and immediate supervisor.

Exercise "Tseitnot" for the leader

Before taking on a new manager, you should go through with him the exercise "Tseitnot" leader. It helps to identify hidden potentials and the ability to work in a stressful situation. Time trouble at work in the form of exercises reveals hidden potentials and gives an accurate picture of the abilities of the future manager.

Instructions to the exercise "Time trouble" and an example of a solution can be seen in this article .

After the exercise is recommended:

  1. Qualitatively study the resume with paying attention to the duration of work in small firms.
  2. To test for stress resistance ;
  3. Find out the level of physical endurance of a person, even for computer or paper work.
  4. Draw an approximate plan of action for a large number of cases.
  5. Ask provocative questions on any topic and choose those who could laugh and not react with aggression or discontent.
  6. Invite the applicant to evaluate the work of the interviewer.