The girl wanted to become like Angelina Jolie, she almost did, but ...

Recently, the fashion for plastic surgery increases, and more and more young surgeons come to surgeons who are ready to risk their health in order to get closer to the modern ideal of beauty. Sometimes the consequences are very deplorable.

19-year-old fan of Angelina Jolie is ready to do anything to become like her idol. A girl named Sugar Tabar has already performed more than 50 plastic surgeries and, indeed, has approached the ideal. True, she did not look so much like Angelina Jolie, but rather like her caricature. More than 300,000 subscribers of her Instagram frankly mocked Sugar, calling her a zombie and the character of the cartoon "The Corpse of the Bride." However, some subscribers suggest that Sugar bluffs and in fact did not do any operations, and all of its similarity to the Hollywood star is the result of working with Photoshop.

But the girl herself, apparently, very much like her new image, which she makes even more grotesque with the help of a huge amount of cosmetics. In addition, Sugar is overly concerned about his weight, in her opinion, he should not exceed 40 kilograms.

Although Sahar removed all photos from "past life" from her account, network users still managed to find several pictures taken at a time when she was not so similar to Angelina Jolie.

But a pretty girl ... was ...