Interpersonal attraction

Interpersonal attraction is a concept in psychology, which determines sympathy, attachment, relationship between people. As a rule, we not only perceive others, we also form our attitude to each of them. Attraction in interpersonal relations plays an important role, and it is formed by certain factors.

Factors of interpersonal attraction: external

We value a person often not for his personal qualities, but for his ability to submit himself. There are external factors of attraction, which, although not very connected with communication at first glance, play an important role:

  1. Ability to support conversation, sociability, ability to attract attention, desire to please. This is a manifestation of the desire to form a good opinion about yourself from other people. The more sympathy people evoke with such simple methods, the more attractive they are to others.
  2. Emotional state of a person. If a person is in decline or depression, he will not be as attractive to others as a cheerful, happy, cheerful person.
  3. Spatial proximity. When people are close to each other, it causes special trust. However, it is not necessary to cross a zone of 0.5 meters - this is an intimate zone and any intrusion into it can be perceived as breaking boundaries.

Thus, people have some impression of a person even before he starts talking. People who are supposed to attract sympathy from others, for example, sales agents, must take care of this in advance.

Factors of interpersonal attraction: internal

There are also internal factors of attraction, they are formed right at the moment of communication:

  1. The style of communication is the main factor. It is behavior in the conversation is very important and attracts or repels the interlocutors. Rudeness, tactlessness, rudeness can forever ruin the attitude towards man.
  2. Physical attractiveness. If a person is beautiful, he has more to communicate than unattractive.
  3. Similarity. The more a person is like you with status, style of life, hobbies, the more sympathy he will cause.
  4. Support. If your interlocutor compliments or thanks you for something, you will be more disposed towards him.

These factors can be used and deliberately, even when it comes to attraction in intercultural communication. No matter which culture a person belongs to, in most cases, sympathy evokes the same thing in all people.