Bicillin 3 - application

Bicillin 3 is an antibacterial agent and is used against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as other microorganisms susceptible to penicillin. Bicilin 3, the use of which does not require daily injections, has become very popular. After all, there is no need to constantly visit the treatment room, and in the absence of contraindications, injections can be done at home.

Indications for use Bicillin 3

Assign a drug for the treatment of infections that are susceptible to this drug bacteria. It is especially important to use Bicillin 3 in therapy, which requires long-term maintenance of concentration in the body of active substances. These include:

Widely used drug for the treatment of rheumatism and its prevention.

How to breed Bicillin 3?

Preparation of the composition must occur immediately before its use, it is impossible to store the diluted product. To dilute, use saline, water for injection. It is recommended to warm up the ampoules in your hands for a while, since you can not enter cold formulations. In addition to these funds, Bicillin 3 can be bred by Novokain. To do this, the anesthetic solution (0.25-0.5%) is drawn into a syringe (5 ml), poured into a bottle with antibiotic and stirred until a uniform structure is obtained. Thanks to the use of such a solution, the morbidity of the procedure is significantly reduced.

How to prick Bicillin?

Suspension is administered intramuscularly, intravenous use of the drug is not allowed. After the preparation of the solution, the drug is taken into the syringe and injected deep into the muscular layer of the buttock. Do two injections at once, one for each buttock. During the procedure, make sure that the needle does not touch blood vessel. If there is blood, then you need to choose another place for the injection.

Bicillin is used by adults every six days for 1200000 ED. To prevent recurrence of rheumatism along with the antibiotic, the doctor prescribes taking Aspirin or Analgin in a gram per day.

With syphilis, the dosage is 1.8 million units. The first injection is done at a dosage of 0.3 million ED, after a day they are done in full. The subsequent treatment involves the administration of the drug twice a week.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are: