Inflammation of the liver - symptoms

The liver is a natural filter of the body. It is believed that it plays one of the most important roles in the proper functioning of other organs. Therefore, the symptoms indicating the inflammation of the liver - hepatitis, - you need to immediately pay attention and do not put it off for a long time. After all, the disease often occurs without any special manifestations, and the person does not even know that he has problems. The disease develops for various reasons. The further treatment of the patient depends on the determination of the primary factors contributing to the onset of the disease.

What are the symptoms of inflammation of the liver in women?

Symptoms of the disease most often are as follows:

Causes and Symptoms of Liver Inflammation

There are several main factors, according to which hepatitis develops. Find out the cause of the disease is very important. To do this, ultrasound studies and complex of analyzes will help:

  1. The most common cause of inflammation are hepatotropic viruses. They are of several types and differ in the form of transmission, rate of development and treatment options. You can get infected with a virus if you get a patient's blood into a healthy body. This occurs when injections with one needle or while using general hygiene items.
  2. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can also cause inflammation - a person develops alcoholic hepatitis. Alcohol affects all organs negatively, especially on the liver - its cells die and are replaced by fat. As a result, the natural filter does a worse job of its functions.
  3. The constant intake of certain drugs - antibiotics, pain medication and others - can lead to the development of drug-induced hepatitis. The thing is that in such preparations there are components that adversely affect the organ, which is why the symptoms of acute inflammation of the liver appear. It is noteworthy that the disease ceases to develop after the patient refuses medication.
  4. Bile stagnation also often leads to an inflammatory process. The liver itself produces this substance, which is necessary for the digestive process. If, for some reason, the fluid does not leave the body completely, this leads to irritation and even inflammation.