Stones for Women-Libra

As you know, each sign of the Zodiac is suitable for certain stones that can enhance the positive traits of their representatives and smooth out negative ones. There are stone-charms and talisman stones, but with their choice, one must take into account the decade in which the person was born. All about stones for women-Libra in this article.

Suitable minerals depending on the decade

  1. Born in the first decade from September 24 to October 2, suitable stones that counterbalance such predominant character traits as benevolence, gentleness and tenderness. Strength, determination and firmness endow jasper, malachite , agate, rock crystal, diamond, amethyst.
  2. Born in the second decade from October 3 to October 13, the energy stones are suitable, giving the person ambition, high self-esteem and ambitiousness. This emerald, opal, sapphire, topaz, zircon, ruby.
  3. Born in the third decade from 14 to 23 October, stones that restore harmony and counterbalancing emotions come up. This tourmaline, aquamarine, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase.

Precious stones for women-Libra

Diamond can act as a stone-charm for women-Libra, reflecting negative energy directed at its owner. Pure thoughts and honest work of representatives of this sign of the Zodiac will find support for the emerald. He will help in cardiac affairs, working for attachment in a relationship. The stone of chastity and honor - the sapphire will promote development of the spiritual values. He will protect the doubting Libra from fear and melancholy, will support morale.

The action of other stones

Agate stone for Libra can become a good amulet, endowing its possessor with beauty, health and youth. Aquamarine will help in establishing contacts and relationships. Tourmaline will set Libyan dreamers on a sinful land, will be sobering and will not give emotions the upper hand in making a serious decision. The garnet stone for the Libra women will bring tremendous benefit by providing them with the fire energy that is so lacking in them. He will not break their harmony, but will definitely charge with strength and optimism. Strong defenses for Libra opal. He will protect from failures and failures, confer self-confidence.

Jasper since ancient times was considered a church stone, so believers Libra definitely should choose it for decoration. It is recommended to constantly wear malachite on oneself. This stone develops intuition, promotes self-improvement.