Wedding bouquets from beads

Each bride wants to look beautiful on her special day and create an image that no one even thought of before. In the course there is everything: unusual shades of dresses, fantasy hairstyles and of course variations on the bouquet theme. Artificial wedding bouquets could be purchased before, but only recently it became really fashionable and it became possible to find something exclusive and unusual.

Bridal bouquet of beads - five reasons to give preference to him

For doubtful natures and practical girls, the decision may be several advantages of a bouquet of beads in front of traditional flowers.

  1. To create a bridal bridal bouquet, you can always choose beads of any color and weave flowers of all possible sizes, shapes and complexity. Here your imagination is not limited at all: boldly choose the composition you like and its color solution.
  2. Such a bouquet of weather conditions in general is not a hindrance: no strong heat or frost, nor wind with rain will not spoil the composition. Of course, you will not feel the aroma of fresh flowers, but you can always apply a little favorite perfume or a drop of any other flavor. Such a train can be a good completion of your image.
  3. Wedding bouquets of beads are no different from living by weight, but there is no danger of crushing or tearing flowers. So from the beginning of the celebration and until its logical conclusion, your bouquet will remain in its original form.
  4. Beading in wedding bouquets allows you to preserve the "memory" in its original form. Your bouquet will never fade, it's easy to store and you can always hold it in your hands if memories flood in.
  5. Another advantage of a bouquet of a bride from beads is the ability to maximally fit it into your image. If you order a bouquet to a master, show him your dress. Very stylish looks a combination of colors and ornaments on a wedding dress in tandem with a bouquet of beads in one style and color scheme.

Artificial wedding bouquets - how to choose your own?

When choosing a composition, it is important to do it competently: the bouquet should not compete with a dress or a hairdo. For a sumptuous outfit with a princess' tile, the bouquet should also be quite noticeable, but of medium size and in pastel colors.

If you want to wear a short short dress or a long one on the floor, but tight, it's better to take a modest composition in the form of a cascade or a small ball on the ribbon.

Wedding bouquets of beads can also be selected for a figure. High hudyshkam can not take in the hands of long cascades or compositions on the legs, miniature girls will suit small laconic compositions. In general, the average bouquet is the most optimal solution in this situation.