Soup gazpacho - recipe

Soup gazpacho - a widespread dish of Spanish cuisine. Crushed raw vegetables are dressed with olive oil, watered with vinegar or lemon juice and seasoned with a variety of spices. Ready soup spilled on plates and served with rusk from white or rye bread .

The classic recipe for gazpacho



The recipe for cooking gazpacho tomato soup is quite simple. All vegetables are thoroughly washed, dried and divided into 2 identical parts. We cut one half into small pieces, add the red pepper, put everything in the food processor and crush it to the mashed potatoes. Then we pour the resulting mixture into a bowl, pour tomato juice , vinegar, olive oil, a bit of Tabasco sauce and sprinkle with chopped green cilantro.

We mix everything thoroughly, and from the remaining tomatoes we carefully extract the seeds and cut the tomatoes into small cubes. Just shred a cucumber and onions. Add all the ingredients in the soup, add salt to taste, pepper and remove the cooling for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

Recipe for Spanish gazpacho soup



So, take a suitable saucepan, put in it a piece of stale bread and all washed and dried tomatoes. Pour the contents of the pot with enough water and put it on the stove. As soon as the water boils, carefully take out the tomatoes and bread and put them into different containers. With the cooled tomatoes, we remove the skins and put them aside for the time being. The remaining bread is ground in a separate plate with hands.

Now take a large container, put in it sliced ​​in small cubes sweet Bulgarian pepper, salt and peeled garlic cloves. Then all this is thoroughly crushed with a blender, add boiled bread and peeled tomatoes. Again, whisk in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

After that, we spread the remaining crushed bread and again we grind everything. During the preparation of gazpacho, the soup can turn out to be too thick and dry. In this case, we dilute it a little with water, in which tomatoes with bread were cooked. We fill the prepared dish with oil, cover with a lid on top and leave it for about 10 minutes. Then serve the soup on the table, pre-watering it with freshly squeezed orange juice.

The recipe for gazpacho soup



Onions are cleaned, washed and cut into pieces. Most of the cucumbers shred by random slices. At pepper we delete seeds, partitions, we put aside a quarter of a pod of green pepper, and the rest we cut by straw. At the dill we cut off the stems.

All vegetables, except deferred, grind well in a blender to a homogeneous mass, pour in cold vegetable broth, add vinegar, a little olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Now remove the soup for about an hour in the refrigerator and cool it. The remaining cucumbers, green and red pepper cut into very small cubes, stir vegetables in a bowl and slightly add salt. We pour out the cooled soup on glass jars or ceramic bowls, from above we spread the shredded vegetables and pour the remaining olive oil.