Fish in the Multivariate

The owners of a modern kitchen gadget called a multivarka master the recipes of the usual dishes with might and main, adjusting them to the capabilities of the device.

Today we will tell you how you can cook fish with the help of a multivark and offer some simple but delicious recipes.

Braised fish in a multi-barbecue with carrots and onions



  1. We will prepare the fish first. We'll clean the carcasses, we'll get rid of the fins, tail and if available from the entrails, rinse under running water and cut into portions.
  2. Season the fish with salt, pepper and spices and leave for fifteen minutes in a bowl to marinate.
  3. The bulbs are peeled with shredded semirings, and the carrots are grated on a large grater.
  4. Spread the vegetables in a multicastry, in which we pour a little bit of sunflower oil or olive oil without a smell, and turn on the "Frying" or "Baking" mode for fifteen minutes.
  5. We add salt, ground pepper, tomato sauce, sugar, laurel leaves, peppercorns and spices during the frying of vegetables, and after the process we put in the squeezed garlic teeth and mix.
  6. Instead of tomato sauce, you can take tomato paste, diluted in water, while increasing the amount of spices and spices.
  7. Spread half of the vegetable mass with tomato in a bowl, on the remaining carrots with onions we have slices of promarinated fish, which we cover with deferred vegetables.
  8. We translate the device into cutting "quenching" and cook the food for fifty minutes.

Fillet of fish in foil with vegetables and cheese in a multi-



  1. The fish fillets are rinsed, dried, cut into pieces, each of which is laid on a square foil of the appropriate size.
  2. Season the fish with salt, pepper and seasonings and cover with mayonnaise or sour cream.
  3. We clear the onion, shinkle its half rings, which we lay out on the fish.
  4. We cut the tomatoes with mugs or semicircles and place them on top of the onion.
  5. Vegetables are served with a small amount of sour cream or mayonnaise, podsalivaem and pepper a little and cover with thin plates of hard cheese.
  6. Foil sealed in corners, giving it the shape of a box (the top remains open at the same time).
  7. We place the blanks in a multicast-grinder, set the device to the "Baking" mode, and prepare the fish fillet with the vegetables in the foil for thirty to forty minutes.

How to cook red fish for a couple in a multivark?



  1. Prepared properly red fish cut into small portions, which are salt, pepper and we flush hops-suneli.
  2. We lay out, fish slices in a basket for steaming and we surrender them from above with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise.
  3. We also rub the red fish grated on a large grater with hard cheese and set the basket with a dish in a multicast griddle into which approximately half a liter of water will be poured.
  4. We cook the red fish for a couple of twenty-five minutes in the steam mode and serve with boiled potatoes, rice or vegetables.