Severance pay

Dismissal from work, even it occurs at your initiative, it is always stressful. It is necessary to have time to close current issues, transfer duties, tighten tails. And once again look into the labor code and the collective agreement to estimate the size of the severance pay. Although the definition of the severance pay for retirement, as well as the payment itself is the accounting department, it is not superfluous to recall your rights.

The amount and terms of payment of severance pay

For starters, let's see what the termination allowance means, in principle. Dismissal is the termination (for various reasons) of the employment relationship between the employer and the employee. And severance pay is a sum of money determined either by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, or by a collective agreement, as well as by other agreements concluded when applying for a job. At the same time, the minimum amount of severance pay is determined in the Labor Code and other legislative acts that regulate a specific field of activity. If you have a collective agreement, it can not specify an amount that is lower than the statutory rate. An severance pay is paid when the employee comes on the last day of work, called the day of dismissal.

It is logical that the severance pay depends on the reasons for the termination of the employee.

1. In the amount of a monthly average salary:

2. In the amount of a two-week average salary:

In all these cases, the employee is entitled to a two-week severance pay.

How is the average monthly salary calculated and what is included in severance pay?

In order to calculate the amount to be paid as severance pay, it is necessary to add up all the money (including bonuses and funds received as a result of piece-rate payment, as well as salaries paid not in cash) and divide by the number of months. Important: severance pay is not subject to taxation, including personal income tax.

Separately it is necessary to say about a lump sum when dismissing military persons. A lump sum is paid on dismissal due to a state of health or in connection with the attainment of the age limit for being in the service. Its size depends on the total duration of military service:

In unscrupulous companies, it often happens that the manager asks to write a statement of his own free will, but if the reason for leaving work is one of the above, you should refuse him a request. Dismissal at own will exempts the company from payment of severance pay. In addition, benefits are not paid to those who were not transferred to the staff of the company or violated the provisions of the Labor Code.