Seeds with breastfeeding

Many people like to click seeds, and young mothers often wonder whether they can afford such a treat. After all, anything that a nursing woman ate or drank, has an impact on the development of crumbs. It is necessary to carefully analyze the information on this topic and draw your conclusions.

Benefits and harms of sunflower and pumpkin seeds during breastfeeding

First it is worth to find out how this health good affects it. After all, even specialists do not have an unequivocal answer to the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed, like sunflower seeds, and pumpkin in case of breastfeeding. Therefore it is necessary to name useful properties of seeds:

Experts usually allow nursing to eat seeds, you can also indulge yourself with treats based on them ( casinos, halva ). But we must not forget about some points:

This information makes it possible for mothers to understand that sunflower seeds and pumpkins when breastfeeding a newborn are not a prohibited product, but they can not be used unrestrictedly.

Sesame Seeds in Breastfeeding

Separately it is necessary to tell about these seeds, besides they get more and more popularity and are often found on sale. Such seeds are very useful for nursing, in addition, their use in the kitchen will help diversify the diet. They are an excellent tool for preventing colds, help to stabilize the pressure, cope with constipation.

But a large number of seeds can cause nausea, like mommy, and crumbs. Therefore, it is better to add them in small portions in baked goods or salads, so as not to harm the baby.

General recommendations

To enjoy your favorite product, it is important to listen to some tips:

Mom should carefully monitor the condition of the crumbs. To start to try the product costs from a small portion - about 20 gr. If no adverse reactions are observed, then you can increase the number of delicacies, but do not be overly addicted to it. Optimum limit to half a glass of seeds a day. If a woman notices that the crumbs have a colic or an allergic reaction, then the delicacy will have to be abandoned.

Clean the seeds with hands, not teeth. This will save tooth enamel, as well as reduce the number of bacteria that will enter the body from the husks.

In the purified seeds, useful substances are quickly destroyed. Therefore, it makes no sense to buy seeds without husk or clean them beforehand.