Tincture of hawthorn - indications for use

Hawthorn is a medicinal plant of the Rosaceae family. Usually it is a bush or a small tree up to 5 meters high. Blossoms in May-June, fruits ripen in late August. For medicinal purposes, use both flowers and leaves of hawthorn, but first of all - its fruits.

Composition of hawthorn tincture

In the fruits of hawthorn, on the basis of which the tincture is prepared, vitamins A, C, E, K, group B, fat and essential oils, apple, citric, tartaric, oleic, krategi, ursolic acids, tannins, sugar, flavonoids, glycosides , saponins.

Pharmacy tincture of hawthorn is an over-the-counter medication, which is a transparent yellowish-red liquid. Prepare tincture on 70% alcohol, in a ratio of 1: 10 (100 grams of fruit per liter of tincture).

Indications for use of hawthorn tincture

Tincture of hawthorn has a beneficial effect on the working capacity of the heart and strengthens the heart muscle, improves blood circulation, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system. In addition, hawthorn helps reduce arterial and venous pressure, eliminate dizziness, has an antispasmodic effect.

In medicine, the tincture of hawthorn is used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of:

How to take hawthorn tincture?

If the doctor has not appointed a special scheme, then take the tincture you need 30 drops three times a day, 20 minutes before eating. In the event that the tincture is not pharmacy, and home, the dose can be increased to 50 drops per reception. The timing of admission may vary depending on the disease, but, like with any herbal preparation, they are quite long.

So, when using hawthorn tincture against pressure, the course of treatment is two months, after which a month break is made, and then another two months of admission.

When tachycardia is more effective tincture of hawthorn flowers, rather than its fruits. Use either a drug (40 drops three times a day) or home-made tincture. To obtain the last juice from fresh flowers, dilute 90% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 2 and insist for two weeks. Drink such a tincture of hawthorn should be the same as the pharmacy.

Another option for making tinctures from flowers (intended for longer storage), when four tablespoons of raw material is poured into 200 ml of alcohol and insisted in a dark place. This tincture should be shaken and taken on a teaspoon, slightly diluted with water.

With neuroses associated with menopause, it is also recommended to use tincture of hawthorn flowers 40 drops three times a day. Take the drug until a stable effect is achieved.

Contraindications and precautions

There are no obvious contraindications to taking hawthorn tincture, except for individual intolerance to the drug. However, people prone to hypotension should be careful not to provoke a sharp drop in pressure. Also, there are restrictions for certain types of cardiovascular disease, as exceeding the dosage can contribute to the inhibition of the heart rhythm. With a significant overdose of tincture, there may be drowsiness and slowing of the pulse.

When using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, medical advice is needed. In addition, it can reduce the concentration of attention, so it is better to refrain from driving and working with potentially dangerous mechanical devices.