
In the South Korean capital is one of the oldest streets in the country, called Chonno. Its name translates as "boulevard of belfries". And this is really so, because here is the famous Bosingak bell tower. This unique attraction attracts several hundred tourists every day.

general information

The structure was erected in 1396 during the reign of King Taejo (Joseon Dynasty), when Seoul was a small village. The bell was in the center of the village and played an important role in the life of the natives. He notified the local residents about:

Every day the ringing was distributed 33 times at 04:00 am and 28 times at 22:00 pm. Bosingang is a large two-tiered red pavilion that was built in traditional Korean style. The bell was huge, it was cast from bronze and was under a special cornice. In 1468, he suffered from fire, but he was immediately restored. For all of its history, the structure has been repeatedly destroyed due to fires or war.

Bosingig Today

Currently, the bell is kept in the National Museum of South Korea and is represented in the historical exposition. In its original location is located the same size bell (more than 3.5 m), the sound of which can be heard on New Year's Eve. It was cast from bronze in 1985 on donations from the public.

Every year at midnight from December 31 to January 1, a huge number of people gather in Bosingang. Traditionally, they are waiting for 33 bells, after which the country comes the New Year. At this time in the city public transport and law enforcement agencies are working hard.

The pavilion was completely restored in 1979. It is considered an architectural monument and national treasure under number 2. Access to the attractions is free at any time of the year.

Features of visit

Everyone can enter the territory of Bosingang, at the same time there is no entrance fee. Near the bell is a special officer on duty, who shows visitors how to correctly swing the wooden beater and strike it. Here tourists can change into traditional Korean clothes and in such a form call the bell. You can make stunning photos and get a lot of positive emotions. On the territory of the sights, national holidays and celebrations often take place.

How to get there?

From the center of Seoul to the Bosingang bell tower, you can reach the 1 metro line. The station is called the Sheongnyangni Station. From here you will need to walk for 5 minutes along Chonno Street, which is home to a large number of historical attractions.