Chronic pharyngitis - treatment

Once again, you felt dryness and sore throat, noticeable discomfort, when you swallow, and understand that chronic throat is telling about yourself. An unpleasant process of aggravation requires treatment.

Chronic pharyngitis - symptoms and treatment

According to their signals, the appearance of chronic pharyngitis is similar to an acute attack of the disease. The patient can complain about:

With chronic pharyngitis, as a rule, body temperature does not increase.

That's what makes pharyngitis worse:

Why does chronic pharyngitis occur?

Effective treatment of chronic pharyngitis is impossible without establishing its root cause. Her treatment - a pledge to reduce and get rid of signs of pharyngitis.

So, chronic pharyngitis occurs in the following cases:

  1. It is the result of not cured acute pharyngitis
  2. It develops with rhinitis , sinusitis due to mucus flowing down the back wall of the larynx
  3. With frequent mouth breathing, when the protective properties of the mucosa break down
  4. Diseases of the stomach, pancreas, digestive organs, when the acid content of the stomach has a destructive effect on the mucosa.
  5. Under the influence of harmful industries: the constant inhalation of dust, cement, chemicals and other fine materials.

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis in adults

Treatment of the disease is carried out with the help of local antibacterial, antimicrobial drugs. These include tablets for resorption, rinse, sprays. The usual therapy is supplemented with folk remedies: they make herbs for spaying, rinse their throats, add milk or honey to tea.

Chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis - treatment

Chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis differs by densification of the walls and sides of the larynx, their redness, the apparent protrusion of the vascular network. The back wall of the larynx is covered with mucus and pus. Chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis requires complex treatment of the entire throat. Typically, doctors prescribe rinses with a solution of salt or alkaline solutions, which are favorable for the separation of mucus.

Treatment of granulosa chronic pharyngitis

Granulosa chronic pharyngitis is accompanied by mucosal edema, the presence of difficult-to-detach mucus, the formation of red nodules on the back wall, which irritate tissues and lead to a dry cough. Chronic granulosis pharyngitis involves treatment with inhalations, rinsing herbs to divert mucus, acting directly on nodules - granules. As a rule, they are cauterized with iodine-containing products.

Treatment of chronic atrophic pharyngitis

Chronic atrophic pharyngitis is the last and most undesirable stage of chronic pharyngitis. At this stage, the nerve endings, pharyngeal reflexes are atrophied, the throat is covered with mucus that adheres tightly to the walls and is separated with plates with great difficulty. The mucous membrane acquires a thinned, polished appearance. In this situation, the usual means will no longer produce an effect, so it is most important to cure the cause of such pharyngitis. Most often, pathological or infectious processes of the gastrointestinal tract become the basis for the development of the disease.