25 simple questions that science can not yet answer

Have you ever asked yourself questions, the answers to which you had to look for in scientific publications and on the Internet? It turns out that science could not answer many questions because of the lack of knowledge and facts.

And, despite the fact that scientists ask questions every day, build hypotheses and try to find evidence - this does not give absolute confidence in the accuracy of their answers. Perhaps there is not enough research data, and maybe humanity is not yet ready for new discoveries. We have collected for you 25 questions that are bringing to a screech the most intelligent scientists. Maybe you can find a rational answer !?

1. Can a person stop aging?

In fact, it is still unclear what exactly is aging in the human body, causing the biological clock to tick. It is known that molecular injuries accumulate in the body, which lead to aging, but the mechanism has not been thoroughly studied. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about stopping the process, if the cause is not quite clear!

2. Is biology a universal science?

Despite the fact that biology is on a par with physics and chemistry, it is unclear whether biological facts can be spread to living organisms from other planets. For example, will the same life forms have a similar DNA structure and molecular structure? And maybe everything is completely different?

3. Does the universe have a purpose?

Eternal questions: "What is the meaning of life? And does the universe have an ultimate goal? "Will remain unanswered, probably for several hundred more centuries. Science refused to try to find an answer to these questions, offering philosophy and theology to share their own guesses.

4. Will humanity be able to maintain a decent standard of living on the Earth in the 21st century?

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the opportunities that would allow humanity to live and develop on the planet. But everyone understood that the reserves of natural resources may not be enough. At least that was before the industrial revolution. Although even after it, politicians and analysts believed that such a large number of people can not live on the planet. Of course, the railways, construction, electricity and other industries proved the opposite. Today this question has returned again.

5. What is music, and why do people have it?

Why is it so pleasant for a person to listen to different combinations of musical vibrations at different frequencies? Why do people know how to do this? And what is the purpose? One of the hypotheses put forward is that music helps to reproduce, acting on the principle of a peacock's tail. But this is only a hypothesis that has no confirmation.

6. Will an artificially grown fish appear?

Yes, such an opening could substantially solve the problem of the hungry population in the world. But to date, artificial fishing is more a fiction than an impending event.

7. Can a person ever predict the future of economic and social systems?

In other words, can economists accurately predict financial crises? However sad it may sound, it is unlikely. At least in the near future.

8. What affects a person more: the environment or education?

As they say, the question of upbringing is always open. And no one can say with certainty that a man who has grown up in a good family with exemplary upbringing will become a normal member of society.

9. What is life?

From the subjective point of view, each person can define life. But the exact answer to this question is not even among scientists. For example, can we say that machines are live? Or are viruses living beings?

10. Will a person ever successfully transplant the brain?

Man has learned to perform various surgeries on skin, organ and limb transplantation. But the brain remains an uncharted area that does not lend itself to explanation.

11. Can a person feel himself as free as possible?

Are you sure that you are an absolutely free person who is guided only by his will and desires? Or maybe all your actions were planned in advance by the movement of atoms in your body? Or is it not? There are many assumptions, but there is no concrete answer.

12. What is art?

Despite the fact that many writers, musicians, and artists answered this question, science still can not clearly say why a person is so attracted by beautiful patterns, colors and drawings. What is the goal pursued by art and what is beauty - questions that can not be answered.

13. Did a person discover mathematics, or did he invent it?

In our world much is susceptible to the mathematical way of life. But are we so sure that we have invented mathematics? And suddenly the universe decided that the human life should depend on the numbers?

14. What is gravity?

It is known that gravity causes objects to be attracted to each other, but why? Scientists have tried to explain this through the presence of gravitons - particles that carry gravitational action without charge. But even this hypothesis is not proved.

15. Why are we here?

Everyone knows that we were on the planet because of the Big Bang, but why did this happen?

16. What is consciousness?

Surprisingly, the difference between consciousness and the unconscious is very difficult to see. In the macroscopic perspective, everything seems easy: someone woke up, and some did not. But at the microscopic level, scientists are still trying to find an explanation.

17. Why do we sleep?

We used to think that our body should rest and sleep. But, it turns out, our brain is as active at night as it is during the day. Moreover, the human body does not need to sleep at all in order to regain its strength. It remains only to find a dream logical explanation.

18. Is there extraterrestrial life in the universe?

For decades, people have wondered about the existence of another life in the universe. But until now there was no evidence of this.

19. Where is everything in the universe?

If we collect all the stars and galaxies together, they will make up only 5% of the total mass of the energy of the universe. Dark matter and energy is 95% of the universe. So, we do not see the ninth part of what is hidden in the universe.

20. Can we ever predict the weather?

The weather, as you know, is hard to predict. Everything depends on the terrain, pressure, humidity. During the day, several changes in the weather front can occur in the same place. You ask, but how do meteorologists predict the weather? Weather services predict climate change, but not exact weather. That is, they express an average value and no more.

21. What are ethical norms?

How to understand that some actions are correct, but some are not? And why are they being treated so negatively? And theft? And why the survival of the strongest causes such conflicting emotions in people? All this is conditioned by ethics and morals - but why?

22. Where does the language come from?

When a baby is born, it seems that he already has a "place" for a new language. That is, the child has already been programmed into linguistic knowledge. Why it is so is unknown.

23. Who are you?

Imagine that you have a brain transplanted? Will you be yourself or become a completely different person? Or will it be your twin? So many questions without answers, which science has not yet been able to understand.

24. What is death?

There is a clinical death - a condition after which you can return the victim to life. There is also biological death, which is closely related to clinical death. Where the line between them ends - no one knows. This is a question that is closely related to the question "What is life?".

25. What happens after death?

Despite the fact that this question is more relevant to theology and philosophy, science is constantly looking for evidence of life after death. But, unfortunately, nothing worthwhile has been found yet.