The second child in the family

As a rule, many women are not against the birth of a second child in the family. Often someone tries to have a small age difference among children, whereas others think that if the second child is late, it will help to avoid the emergence of competition between children. In addition, the elder will have their own interests, and my mother will be able to pay more attention to the newborn.

If you want that for anybody in the family the appearance of the second child was not a burden, determine the most favorable time for it. Here the question of planning becomes urgent, because the second child can lead to the emergence of conflict situations in the family. Much depends on the parents themselves. They will need to tactfully circumvent all sorts of "sharp corners" and educate in children friendship, respect and, of course, love.

Perhaps, many mothers are wondering how to decide on a second child. If you follow the recommendations of doctors, the optimal break, which is better to be observed between births, is about five years.

If you want a second child for a long time, but are afraid that it is not the time, you can consult your nearest relatives (dads, moms). Most likely, they will not refuse you assistance, both in the upbringing of children, and in relation to finance. Weigh all the pros and cons, planning the birth of the second child. For convenience, you can even write them down, and then analyze with your spouse.

So when is it better to have a second child? You can focus on the age between children. If the second child appears in the family, when the elder is at the age of one or two years old, they may well become close friends. Of course, between them there will sometimes be quarrels and even fights, but not so much a sense of rivalry for the attention of parents will be developed. Do not forget that in this case the second child in the family will require from you a huge amount of emotional and physical strength. Not having time to make a breathing space after the birth of the first child, you will have to adjust to go through all the difficulties for the second time.

The difference in age between children from three to five years will not create any special difficulties for parents and the baby. It will be difficult only for the older child. He can begin to draw attention to himself in every way, using various ways to express his protest. Thus, he manifests a struggle for parental love, as well as jealousy, with the appearance of a second child in the family. If the difference between children is from five to ten years, the birth of the second child will give parents the opportunity to enjoy the baby to the fullest and watch how it grows. The difficulty lies in the fact that with such a difference in age, at first communication first child and second child will be quite difficult. But at the same time, the elder's help can be very helpful, since with the birth of the second child, the efforts of the parents will naturally increase. The main thing is that they learn to treat their assistant, as already a fully adult person.

Also, it is problematic to have a second child in the family, when the elder child is over ten years old. If this difference in age is only a plus for a baby, the older child can treat the newborn as a hindrance or a burden that interferes with his or her existing way of life. Parents should speak frankly with the child. You can tell how wonderful it is if the family has a second child, whom he can always count on in adulthood. Just try to avoid direct, and most importantly provocative questions and first give him time to weigh everything.

If you are considering how to decide on a second child, do not forget about one simple truth: children always appear on time.