Subcutaneous mite in a dog - symptoms and treatment

The subcutaneous tick in dogs is a fairly common disease, often known as demodicosis. The cause of such an ailment is the abnormal growth of the Demodex mite, which refers to the natural normal skin microflora of all dogs. The intensive multiplication of parasites, which manifests itself in the form of wounds, scabs and hair loss, is secondary to the background of other diseases that have reduced the immunity of the animal. To cure a subcutaneous tick in dogs, folk remedies are often used, which quite justify themselves, but only in the early stages of the development of the disease with a local form. The subcutaneous tick in the dog causes various symptoms and requires compulsory treatment.

Causes of the disease

Dogs, like other animals, are carriers of the Demodex mite, which lives and multiplies primarily in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. To cause rapid growth of the parasite can weaken the immunity of the animal against a background of various diseases, hormonal failures, lack of vitamins. It should also be noted that the disease of puppies and adult dogs is slightly different.

The life cycle of Demodex lasts about a month. During this time, the tick passes through the following stages: spindle-shaped eggs, larvae with six legs, larvae with eight legs, adults. Depending on the stages of development, which are determined by the method of microscopic examination of scrapings of the affected skin, the veterinarian prescribes how to treat a subcutaneous tick in dogs.

An interesting fact is that although the mite reproduces in the hair follicles, most animals are carriers of the parasite, but do not suffer from demodectic disease .

Also one of the causes of the disease is the genetic predisposition in the animal. In the zone of greatest risk, thoroughbred short-haired dogs. In some nurseries, animals who have been ill with the generalized form of demodectic are necessarily sterilized to avoid the spread of this gene.

Forms and stages of the disease

Symptoms of subcutaneous tick in dogs directly indicate the form of the disease. Demodectic can be local - small areas of skin are affected on different parts of the body, and generalized - some large areas are affected, sometimes a parasite can penetrate into tissues and even organs.

Juvenile demodicosis is observed in dogs up to two years old. Most often the disease progresses during a change of teeth or cupping of the ears. In the case of a localized form, the disease often does not require medical treatment and goes by itself. But there is also a risk, which averages 10%, the outgrowth of the disease into a generalized form.

How does the infection occur?

Infect demodekozom healthy animal can be aged from six months to two years from a sick animal. Also, the disease is transmitted to puppies from their mothers.

Methods of therapy

The subcutaneous tick in the dog causes various symptoms, and the treatment directly depends on the laboratory test data. It is also necessary to make an analysis of the biochemistry of the blood of the animal, since demodecosis is a secondary disease against a background of weakening of immunity. Often, it is caused by diseases such as cancer, diabetes, rickets, worms, as well as the stress condition of the pet, so treatment should be comprehensive. The doctor must prescribe immunostimulants, preparations to support the work of the liver, as well as topical medications to relieve itching and painful sensations, if necessary.

Treatment of subcutaneous mites - the process is quite long and is 2-3 months. Completely healthy is considered an animal, which after therapy for 8-9 months there was no relapse.