Honeysuckle - useful properties and contraindications

The danger of wolfberry is known to everyone from the very childhood, but very few people know about the correct name and edible varieties of this plant. In folk medicine, on the contrary, honeysuckle is very valuable - useful properties and contraindications to this shrub are thoroughly studied, due to which its fruits, leaves and even roots serve as raw materials for the production of effective and high-speed medicines.

Useful properties and contra-indications of berries of honeysuckle edible

The elongated fruits of dark blue or even black, slightly reminiscent of blueberries, are distinguished by a unique chemical composition:

In this case, berry berries contain only 30 kcal per 100 g of product.

The presence of a large number of valuable chemical elements and compounds in the fruits of the plant determines its healing effects:

Edible varieties of wolfberry berries regulate metabolic processes in the body and control the activity of the hormonal system. Thanks to this, the useful properties of honeysuckle and the absence of contraindications make it possible to use it for type 2 diabetes and other endocrine disorders, to keep the body weight in norm.

In addition, the described product is the leader in the content of magnesium, which provides support for the functions of the cardiovascular system and the brain. High concentrations of potassium and calcium help strengthen bones and joints, normal activity of the muscular apparatus.

Freshly squeezed juice from honeysuckle berries is used in the treatment of severe dermatological diseases - eczema and psoriasis. It also produces a powerful antiseptic and healing effect, helps cope with deep ulcers, erosions and pressure sores.

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of roots and bark of honeysuckle

Decoctions or infusions, cooked on the basis of these parts of the bush, act similarly to the best anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial drugs. Means with bark and wolfberry roots have found application in the therapy of the following pathologies:

Like berries, the roots and bark of the bush do not have any negative effects on the body.

Useful properties and contraindications of honeysuckle leaves

Young shoots, together with the leaves of the plant in question, are usually used in the treatment digestive system. Tea or a decoction of these parts of the bush promotes the normalization of the acidity of the gastric juice, relieves attacks of heartburn, improves intestinal motility. Such remedies help to restore the outflow of bile, the activity of the pancreas.

The healing properties of the leaf of honeysuckle and the absence of contraindications to its use cause the use of this phytocoagulant in cosmetology. Broths and water infusions on the basis of wolfberry leaves are useful to rinse hair to restore their gloss and density, to wipe the skin in the presence of rashes and inflammations .