How to pickle herring at home?

Herring is a fish containing a fairly large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, it is, of course, very useful for the body. You can buy it already salted, but you can do it yourself. How to do it delicious, now find out.

How tasty to pickle herring at home?



Pour into the pan water, after boiling salt, pour sugar, put the spices and boil for 5-10 minutes on a small fire. Then we let the brine cool and fish. Herring is thawed in the bottom of the refrigerator. Then we clean each carcass from the viscera and remove the head. My herring, the rest of the water let it drain. We place the prepared carcasses in a saucepan and pour the marinade. After that we leave for an hour at room temperature, and then we send to the cold for 3 days.

How quickly and tasty salted herring?



In the herring, we remove the giblets and head. For about an hour or two we put it in cold water. Then we extract, dry it, rub it with salt and sugar. We wrap the fish in a food film and leave it for 2 hours. Then unwrap the carcass, rinse off the remains of salt and sugar, cut into slices and serve.

How to pickle herring in brine?



We boil water. Then put spices, sugar, salt and cook brine for about 3 minutes on a small fire. Cooking fish. Each carcass is well mine, we put it in a small container for pickling. At the same time we leave the head and the entrails in place. The capacity with the fish is put in the cold for 3 days. Then we extract it, clean it and serve it.

How do you pick up fresh herring in brine?



The usual salt is gradually dissolved in hot water, until another portion stops dissolving. This happens when the brine has already absorbed the maximum amount of salt. Also, the degree of saturation of brine with salt can be checked with a chicken raw egg. If the solution is sufficiently concentrated, the egg will float to the surface and rise about half. If you want to get not only salted, but also spicy herring, then before pouring the salt into the water, we add fragrant pepper, coriander seeds, bay leaves and cloves.

Herring, clean, put in a wide deep bowl upside down and pour cold oozed brine, so that the fish was covered with liquid. We leave the clock at room temperature, and then for a day or two we remove it into the cold.

How to pickle herring with mustard?



Herring is thawed and thoroughly washed carcases. Lubricate them with 2 tablespoons of mustard and put in a container for pickling. We boil water, sugar, salt, throw spices and herbs. Stir thoroughly, allow the liquid to boil and cool the brine. Fill them with prepared herring, at room temperature we give 2 hours to stand, and then for 2-3 days put in the cold. After that, the fish is completely ready for consumption. We clean it, cut into small portions and serve with onion and pre-boiled potatoes. Enjoy your appetite!