How to take flax seeds for weight loss?

Seeds of flax are among the most effective means that help to cleanse the body, which in turn contributes to the loss of excess kilograms. Therefore, it is not surprising that many women are looking for recipes in which it is described how to take flax seeds for weight loss. Even in ancient times many people knew about the benefits of this product, so we received a large number of various recipes that favorably affect the activity of the whole organism.

How correctly to take flax seeds?

There are many different recipes that will help get rid of excess weight:

  1. You need roughly grind 4 tbsp. spoons of seeds and eat them in the morning and in the evening on an empty stomach. If you can not eat flax in this form, then mix the seeds with kefir or add it to the salad, only in this case the effect will be less.
  2. You can also use decoction of flax seed, only you need to know how to properly take it. You need 1 tbsp. spoon to connect with 2 st. boiling water and leave to infuse for the night. Use the broth is 100 g for 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
  3. You can add the seeds to the kissel from the berries. Flax will swell, and you will get a thick mass, which will help to satisfy hunger for a long time.
  4. You can add flax seeds to baked goods, only in one that does not lend itself to prolonged heat treatment.
  5. Depending on your taste preferences, you can combine the seeds with honey or jam. Also, flax is included in recipes for cereals, ragout and various side dishes.

To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to gradually increase the amount, start with 1 tbsp. spoons.

How to properly take a flax seed for weight loss you now know, just do not forget that eating it for more than a month is not recommended. Also it is worth considering that this product also has contraindications. It is not recommended to use flax seeds for inflammation of the intestine and for individual intolerance to the product.