Herpes in a nursing mother

Herpes is a viral disease, which today does not lend itself to complete cure. Therefore, if the mother was sick with herpes before pregnancy, there is a high probability that during the period of pregnancy or lactation, the disease will exacerbate. There are many types of herpes.

Common forms of herpes:

Herpes during breastfeeding especially scares every mother. There is a danger of infecting your baby.

Unambiguously warn - if you find herpes on the lips during lactation, never stop breastfeeding. Your milk contains all the necessary antibodies that protect the baby and from this disease.

The only thing that must be taken into account in case of laryngeal herpes is several rules:

Treatment of herpes in breastfeeding

Of course, the treatment of the virus itself during the period of breastfeeding is prohibited. In connection with the fact that antiviral drugs in sufficient concentration will reach the baby with milk. But at the same time to conduct local treatment is not just possible, but also necessary.

In some cases, doctors prescribe drugs of local action, for example, ointment Acyclovir or Gerpevir. However, to use these drugs inside in the form of tablets in no case it is impossible.

You can also lubricate the actual wound itself with tea tree oil or lavender.