Than to treat a milkwoman at a lactemia?

Sometimes women, faced with thrush during lactation, have no idea what to treat it. When the first symptoms appear, you should not hurry and before you start the therapeutic process, you need to establish exactly what it is candidiasis.

How is thrush manifested during lactation?

The main symptoms that can determine the presence of thrush in the body are:

How is the treatment of thrush during lactation?

Treatment of thrush with lactation, as well as in the postpartum period has its own characteristics. In view of the fact that virtually all systemic, antifungal drugs enter the milk, taking them while breastfeeding is unacceptable. In addition, they are not recommended for use and during the bearing of the baby, since their effect on the fetus is not established definitively.

To treat the disease during lactation, both candles and tablets (vaginal) are used from the yeast infection. The most commonly used e preparations, like Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, Terzhinan. The duration, dosage and frequency of taking each remedy for yeast infection with lactation is indicated by the doctor based on the characteristics of the organism, and the woman requires strict observance of all his prescriptions.

After the treatment, its effectiveness is checked by taking smears from the vagina on the microflora. The material is collected no earlier than 14 days after the end of treatment. If the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms exceeds the norm, then the treatment course is repeated using other drugs.