Seedling on toilet paper

The title of the article may sound somewhat strange, however, this method of growing seedlings is becoming increasingly popular. And this is quite understandable - seedlings do not occupy all the windowsills in the house, but grow in compact rolls or a friendly family in one sink. In this case, the quality of seedlings is not inferior to the one that is grown under normal conditions.

How to grow seedlings in Moscow on toilet paper?

To begin with we cut strips of polyethylene - it can be any packages or the rests from a greenhouse. The width of the strips should be about 10 cm, and the length - arbitrary. On the stripes we put toilet paper, we moisten it and we spread the seeds with tweezers. From above cover them with another layer of paper, then - with a film and carefully folded into rolls.

Each such roll is placed in a plastic beaker and filled to half with water. Cover them with a film, periodically ventilate and top up the water until the seeds germinate. Germinated seedlings are cut, pre-deployed rolls, planted in separate pots. Some crops can be immediately planted in open ground.

Another way to grow Moscow seedlings

It is slightly different from the above. For him you will need plastic containers, which usually sell ready-made salads or cook cookies. Stilm in them 4-5 layers of toilet paper, moisturize it, making sure that there was no excess water. Seeds are scattered evenly over the entire surface of the paper, tightly close the capsules and put them in a warm place.

Do not hurry to replant the seedlings in the ground, let them grow up to the cotyledonous leaves right in this box. You just need to make sure that the paper does not dry out, so you need regular watering of the seedlings, but such that the excess liquid in the container does not form.

If you see that the seedling is stretching, move the boxes to a cooler place. Once the cotyledon leaves completely dissolve and the stem will be quite high, you can transplant the seedlings into separate cups.

Advantages of this method:

This way you can grow tomatoes, peppers , celery, cauliflower, even watermelons.