Amadins: content

These birds, belonging to the family of loach weavers, in the world there are more than 30 species. Absolutely unpretentious in content, these beautiful birds easily reproduce in captivity. Small exotic miracles are distinguished by their mobility, attractiveness and trustfulness. Singing amadin at first sight to some may seem unpleasant because of the specific sounds that the birdies make: grumbling, hissing, buzzing, quiet whistling or twittering. It is impossible to say exactly how many amadines live, but if the poultry is properly kept, you will be able to enjoy its society for more than five years, and the record holder for the life span in captivity is rice amadine, its lifespan may be more than 10 years.

Cell for an amadin

For birds of this breed is best fit a large rectangular cage made of plexiglass, plastic, metal spokes. The main requirements - cleanliness and ventilation, maintaining a certain temperature in the room (at least 20 ° C), the size of the cells is not more than 1.5 cm, the absence of oxidizable metals. The matter is that the metal oxide of the bird is scraped, and this is fraught with poisoning for them. For the convenience of maintaining the cleanliness in the cage, choose the model where the beads are high, so that the birds do not scatter the feed, and also pay attention to the sliding bottom, which greatly simplifies the purging process. Use hinged or pull-out feeders and a drinker. The cell for Amadin should not be bright, because it will distract attention from the birds.

How to care for the amad?

Deciding what to feed the Amadins, stop the choice of your choice on a grain mix, including millet, canary seed, oatmeal, as well as flaxseed, rapeseed, hemp, lettuce and meadow grasses. The obligatory diet of birds should include fresh fruits, vegetables, greens. Delicacy will be a small amount of boiled eggs or cottage cheese. For the reproduction period, store the "live" food: bloodworm, flour worm, and gamarus.

Such small inhabitants of your house are also prone to ache. Of course, with the right content, timely cleaning of the cage and regular disinfection, the risk that your pets will fall is minimal. And still pay attention to the possible diseases of the Amadin. The reason for concern should be unusual behavior, refusal to eat, low mobility. The appearance of mucus, blood, increased loss of feathers - obvious symptoms of a serious disease. Unfortunately, most of the diseases of birds do not have symptoms and are difficult to diagnose at an early stage. The cause of the disease can be improper feeding, hypothermia, small cell size.

Perhaps breeding Amadin in captivity, for this you need to create certain conditions. It is desirable to have a separate cage for a couple, equipped with a "nest" - a special small house. In addition, take care of availability in the public domain for birds of such "building" material, as thin twigs, straw, feathers, hemp, but in no case is cotton. Usually the female lays 2-6 eggs, after which the next incubation starts, taking about 2 weeks. Hatching chicks of amadins for 2-3 days, and the house is abandoned after 20 days, sometimes earlier. Feeding of babies is carried out by both parents by regurgitation of food, this diet lasts about a month. But even after the nestlings leave the nest, parents will feed them for a while.

Small, beautiful, bright birds will win your heart and become an inexhaustible source of positive emotions, not only for all household members, but also for the guests of your home.