Sage - Dissolving Tablets

Grass of sage is a well-known folk medicine. It is used in various ways to treat many diseases. Not so long ago there were special tablets for resorption of Sage. They are very convenient to use - just take the pill from the pack and drink, do not need to pre-prepare infusions, decoctions, dilute the tinctures. And the medicine works, as the experience of using it, is somewhat more effective.

Composition of tablets for resorption Sage

The main active ingredients in this medicine are dry sage extract and its essential oil. In addition to these, tablets contain components such as:

These components and provide the main medicinal properties and contraindications of tablets Sage.

In Latin, the word "salvia" means "salvation." The name is given to the plant for good reason. It has unique properties. Medicines containing sage, favorably affect the mucosa of the mouth, throat.

The useful properties of tablets include:

  1. The drug has a powerful antiseptic effect.
  2. Cough sage tablets are good for the throat. They quickly relieve irritation, reduce, or completely eliminate the pain in the throat.
  3. Essential oils of sage are excellent antioxidants.
  4. After applying the drug, sputum is actively being developed and coughing up. Thanks to this cough passes faster.
  5. Tablets for resorption Salvia destroy all the microbes operating in the respiratory tract and pathogenic microorganisms.
  6. The soothing effect of the pills makes it possible to relieve the load from the vocal cords, thereby protecting them from damage.

As with every drugstore, Sageya also has contraindications:

  1. The drug is not recommended for taking with individual intolerance of its components.
  2. Children are not allowed to take pills before the age of five.
  3. Experts advise to refuse treatment with this medication and replace it with a similar one during pregnancy and during lactation.
  4. Another contraindication is nephritis in the stage of exacerbation.

Application of Sage

Most often, Sage is prescribed as a part of complex therapy for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity. As practice shows, this is an ideal tool for:

Use a tablet for resorption Sage with plantain should be local. That is, they are taken, like most pills, inside, but to achieve a greater effect they are supposed to dissolve. This helps to work directly on the problem site.

Dosage should be selected individually. The standard dose for an adult is six tablets in day. Take them in turn at intervals of two hours. Depending on the complexity of the disease, the required number of pills may increase or decrease.

As a rule, the improvement of well-being is observed already in a couple of days after the beginning of the reception of Sage. But immediately stop treatment is not in any case - the unpleasant symptoms of illness in this case can very soon return. Moreover, they will be even more vivid. The duration of the optimal course varies from five to seven days. In particularly difficult cases, therapy can be delayed even for a couple of weeks.