Who are bi-signs and causes of bisexuality?

Sexual orientation of a person is a sensitive issue, and many can not afford to openly talk about this topic. People who are attracted to members of their gender have always existed, but in the modern world, they are increasingly openly talking about their preferences.

Orientation bi - what does it mean?

There are people who are sexually attracted to representatives of different sexes, and in such a situation it is customary to talk about their bisexual orientation. "Bi" is translated as "two", that is, a person feels sympathy for both sexes. This orientation is often called a kind of compromise between homosexuality and heterosexuality. The concept of "bisexuality" began to be used during the transition from the 19th to the 20th century. Psychologists say that orientation bi, this is more of a sexual experiment, arising from a boring intimate life.

Who are bisexuals?

People who have a bisexual orientation, live a normal life and outwardly identify them is difficult, until they themselves disclose themselves. There are different stereotypes about them, for example, there is an opinion that bi wear earrings in the right ear, but this is just a myth. To understand what bi means, scientists have been conducting research for several decades. It was determined that bisexual can not be identified if one takes into account only its reactions to erotic scenes.

A huge number of psychologists and psychiatrists assures that such inclinations in orientation are associated with a psychological trauma. This impact leads to the fact that a person simply does not know how to build a full-fledged relationship with representatives of the opposite sex. In addition, such people are constantly in search of themselves, not knowing where their real place is.

Congenital bisexuality - Freud

Sigmund Freud is an authoritative psychologist who studied various spheres. At the trial of the public, he presented the work, which is called "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality." In it, he analyzed the concept of "homosexuality." To understand who such bi, he used the information that was obtained when studying the human embryo. During the development of the embryo passes the stage of hermaphroditism, that is, it has the inclinations of both male and female genital organs.

Freud argued that there is an inherent bisexuality, and the person himself eventually chooses in which direction to move. Developing, the child gets acquainted with the norms of behavior and interests that have his biological sex. Often there are situations when these norms are not fully absorbed, which causes the girls to have a strong and assertive character, and the guys stand out in a subtle way. Such qualities are symptoms of psychological bisexuality.

Signs of Bisexuality

If a person doubts his or her orientation, then the first thing he should do is to frankly answer himself about the question of whether there is a sexual attraction to people of his gender in the same way as to representatives of the opposite sex. Separately it is necessary to say about such a concept as latent bisexuality, this is when a person always had a desire to build relationships with members of his or her gender, but because of a number of reasons, for example, moral and psychological, to manifest it, he can not openly.

There are several tests that help to understand who are bi. They make it possible to determine the model of behavior, to analyze sexual behavior, desires and preferences, which gives a chance to dot all the "and". In the tests, you are asked to answer a few questions, for example, "Are there tender feelings for a friend / friend?", "Does eroticism engender your gender?", "Would you like to have sex with threesome?" And so on.

Signs of Male Bisexuality

Many scientists who are interested in this field came to the conclusion that there is no male bisexuality. It is believed that members of the stronger sex can be either heterosexual or gay, and if they call themselves bisexual, they simply hide their true sexual preferences. Such conclusions were made by conducting experiments, during which men watched pornography, and scientists with the help of sensors reacted to their sexual arousal .

Bisexuality in men or the tendency to homosexual relationships, arises because of psychological problems, the desire to change gender and social roles, as well as self-assertion and domination. Another reason can be attributed to the fashion for sexual experiments and the desire for antisocial control of the opponent. In some cases, a man needs a need for emotional intimacy with people of the same sex.

Bisexuality in Women

The desire of representatives of the weaker sex to show sympathy for other women is considered a biological norm. In most cases, ladies learn about their bisexual inclinations by chance, and at first it can scare. Apparent reasons for changing orientation may not be, and then talk about genetic features. Often, female bisexuality is the result of failed relationships with men, psychological trauma and strong emotional experiences. There are times when women return to heterosexuality over time.

According to the research, the number of bisexual women has recently increased significantly. Attempts to find hormonal and congenital causes of changes in sexual preferences have been unsuccessful. Finding out who is bi, it should be said that sexual attraction arises in adolescence, and orientation is laid at about 11-13 years. It is proved that women are easier to understand each other, they are affectionate and attentive to their partner, which gives them a chance to have fun.

The causes of bisexuality

Scientists can not come to one opinion about the causes that can make a difference in a person's sexual preferences. Allocate innate and acquired properties that affect orientation. For the latter reasons, one may include dissatisfaction in sex with members of the opposite sex. In most cases, this applies to women. Bisexuality of people can be provoked by several reasons:

  1. Unwillingness to belong to a certain sex and to observe the rules imposed as a result of sexual determination.
  2. The presence of physiological sex characteristics of both sexes.
  3. Problems in building relationships with representatives of the opposite sex.
  4. The desire for experiments in the sexual sphere.
  5. Psychological traumas in childhood and adolescence.

Is bisexuality the norm or not?

Specialists consider the norm only a traditional sexual attraction , that is, a man's desire for a woman, and vice versa. Bisexuality is considered a psychological deviation. Still, scientists believe that a person can not all his life love both men and women, because sooner or later he will choose either homosexual or heterosexual orientation. There are scientists who say that bisexuality is normal and about 70% of people have such an orientation.

How to get rid of bisexuality?

For a person to feel comfortable, he must necessarily take his sexual orientation. Forcibly to force itself to cease to love men or women it is impossible. The psychology of bisexuality indicates that if changes in orientation were caused by psychological trauma, then in this case it is necessary to seek help from a specialist who will help to understand yourself and your sexual preferences.