Parallel worlds are proof of existence, how many parallel worlds exist?

Parallel worlds attracted thousands of researchers, it has already been proven that this is a reality that exists in parallel. The physics of space can be similar, and the other, there is witchcraft and magic, in another time flows. People who managed to accidentally find a portal to the parallel world did not last long, and in another reflection only hours passed.

Parallel worlds - what is it?

The idea that there are many worlds was advanced by the ancient philosophers Democritus, Metodor of Chios and Epicurus. Later, scientists derived the same theory, based on the principle of isonomy - equal being. The laws of physics argue that all measurements are connected by photon tunnels, this allows them to move through them, without distorting the law of energy conservation. There are versions about such portals:

  1. The door to another world opens up in "black holes", as these are funnels that drag out matter.
  2. It is possible to open the portal to a parallel world with correctly designed models of different mirrors. Such stone surfaces were found near the Tibetan pyramids, when members of expeditions began to see themselves in a different reality.

Parallel worlds - evidence of existence

For many years scientists have been breaking spears in disputes: are there parallel worlds? Serious study of the problem was carried out in the middle of the last century, when scientist Hugh Everett published the materials of his scientific work, giving the formulation of photon mechanics through the conditionality of states. The physicist was the first to notice the disagreements between the wave and matrix formulas that formed the basis of the theory of the Multiverse:

  1. During the selection process, all of its possibilities are realized.
  2. Each choice differs from the others, because it takes root in another reflection.
  3. It does not matter who makes the choice: electron or person.

The theory deduced by physicists about the existence of many worlds has been called the theory of superstrings or the theory of the Multiverse. Parapsychologists, for their part, argue that there are more than 40 portals in the world in other dimensions, 4 of them in Australia, 7 in the US, and 1 in Russia, in the Gelendzhik area, in the old mine. There is evidence that a young fellow who decided to go down there disappeared for a week, but went upstairs is already very old, and nothing happened about the incident.

How many parallel worlds exist?

Physicists suggest that the existence of parallel worlds confirms the theory of superstrings. It shows that all elements of the world are from vibrating threads and energy membranes. According to this theory, other measurements can be counted from 10 in the 100th degree to 10 in the 500th degree pieces. Mathematicians give their evidence. If two-dimensional space can coexist parallel lines, and in three-dimensional - parallel planes, then in four-dimensional and parallel three-dimensional spaces.

What does the parallel world look like?

To describe parallel worlds scientists find it difficult to cross parallels, and it is difficult to visit this reflection for the sake of experience. In this issue, you can rely only on the words of eyewitnesses. In their vision, parallel worlds are:

The only thing that the descriptions are similar is in a strong stream of light, which is manifested from emptiness. Similar phenomena were seen by scientists in the pyramids of pharaohs, the researchers derived the version that the chambers are covered with unique alloys that glow in the dark. When trying to break the sunlight, these alloys break up, they can not be investigated, so there is no exact data.

How to get into the parallel world?

Traveling to parallel worlds is one of the popular science fiction topics and the dream of many inhabitants of the Earth. According to theorists, the easiest way is a dream in which information is received and transmitted many times faster than in reality. If we talk about conscious displacement, the situation is somewhat different. According to esotericists, it is possible to get into another world, but it is very dangerous, since the other nature of radiated waves can negatively affect the structure of the human brain. But by trial and error, several methods have been developed that will help you make this journey:

  1. A conscious dream , which involves the disconnection of consciousness and immersion in another reality.
  2. Meditation . The methods are similar.
  3. Using a mirror . Since ancient times, magicians have made for this special rituals.
  4. Through the elevator . The transition is best done at night, alone, the numbers of floors are pressed in a certain sequence.

Creatures from parallel worlds

What are parallel worlds, what is there, it is difficult to say. But beings from another reflection of reality at all times observed people a great variety. It's not just about humanoids. The most famous cases of such meetings are:

  1. 93 year. In Rome, people saw a glowing, golden balloon that floated across the sky.
  2. 235 year. In China, the belligerents saw a large scarlet ball, which threw out rays in the form of daggers, moved from north to south.
  3. 848 year. The French noticed objects in the sky that looked like luminous cigars.

Many researchers tend to regard creatures from other worlds as heroes of fairy tales and legends, because dwarfs, elves and werewolves are also possible creatures of another reality. This list also includes:

Cinema about parallel worlds

There are a lot of movies about parallel worlds, directors and writers named this genre of fantasy. There, our world is portrayed as part of the multiverse. Watch about parallel worlds like all categories of viewers. Most Popular Movies:

  1. "Parallel Worlds" (2011, Canada) - adventure, fantasy.
  2. "The Chronicles of Narnia" (2005, USA) - pure fantasy.
  3. "Sliding" (1995-2000, USA) is a series, closer to science fiction.
  4. "The stormy planet" (2011, USA) - adventure, fantasy, thriller.
  5. "Verbo" (2011, Spain) - a fantasy.

Books about parallel worlds

Are there parallel worlds on earth? - The answer to this question was searched by writers for a long time. The very first legends about Paradise gardens, Hell, Olympus and Valhalla quite fall under the category of the story about parallel worlds. A concrete concept of the existence of other dimensions appeared already in the 19th century, with the light hand of Herbert Wells. In modern literature there are hundreds of novels about movements in time, but the pioneers call such classics:

  1. Herbert Wells, "The Door in the Wall."
  2. Herbert Dent, "The Emperor of the Country" If. ​​"
  3. Veniamin Hirschgorn, "The Unceremonious Roman".
  4. Jorge Borges, "The Garden of the Diverse Trails".
  5. The "multi-tiered world" is a cycle of fantastic stories.
  6. "The Chronicles of Amber" - the most vivid reflection of other dimensions in the literature.