Magic force

It is supposed that the main methods of practical magic (for any people) are appeals to certain supernatural forces or the acquisition by the subject of special superabilities through the performance of various ritual actions.

Let's define what is usually called magical powers and, roughly speaking, what they are.

Under magical powers it is customary to understand certain various unexplained arcane forces (including the forces of elements and phenomena of nature) and / or personal charisma of practicing magic in one form or another (in anthropology and ethnography there is even a special term for mana). Charisma or mana is the personal special power of the initiate: a sorcerer, a shaman, or a practitioner. Often, for modern believers, but the narrow-minded people living in quite civilized communities, the notions of personal charisma of the clergy of various religions differ little from the notions of the shamans of people from tribes and communities at primitive levels of development.

Believe or not to believe?

We will not say that magic does not exist. Simply by now we can not explain those or other phenomena rationally. When rationality and rational methods of action are impossible, it is quite possible to resort to such forms of social consciousness and practice as magic and religious rituals. Somehow, somehow, magic is practiced.

We will not fool anyone, telling how to obtain magical power, and / or what virtues should be for developing a magical power in oneself - this is for illiterate and near-minded people with dense ideas about the world. Do you want to achieve personal charisma and influence people and objects? Learn, learn the world and science deeply and persistently. Learn mythology and world religions, psychology (including practical ones), anthropology, ethnography, philosophy, non-European psychological teachings and practices. And in parallel, of course, you can also learn magic, including practical ones. Here the main thing is to be able to stand on the point of view of some radical removal from the subject. After all, man differs from animals in this (well, and the presence of a sense of humor).

About Safety

If you are going to practice, be careful and careful, because you will have to face the unexplained and inexplicable, and this is not always pleasant and painless. In addition, it should be understood that by practicing such practices, you necessarily initiate a process of interdependent phenomena and consequences that do not exactly improve your personal karma, because you are trying to invade the equilibrium at some point in a system and / or the world as a whole.

To further personal charisma, you should work on yourself, that is, improve. Nurture will power, a sense of harmony, train memory, work on increasing the acuity of sensations, acquire image-concept-associative thinking. It is these qualities that are the basis of personal energy.