St. Barbara's Day

In December, many Christian holidays. There are three of them that go one after another and are especially revered among the people - Barbarians, Sawa, Nicholas . Saint Varvara suffered for her faith, suffered many tortures and died martyrdom. It is this martyr that many believers choose as their intercessor, pray to her with requests for healing. People are often interested in her deeds, ask who is guarded by Saint Barbara the Great Martyr. She became the only one allowed to hold the chalice in the hands of icons (a vessel for worship). According to the canons of the church of this cup, none of the lay people could touch. It is necessary to know her tragic fate to understand why Saint Varvara received such a great honor.

As a child, Varvara spent most of the time in the tower, surrounded by Gentile servants. She lost her mother early, and her father alone was engaged in her upbringing. He tried to do everything to hide his daughter from prying eyes. But the girl met Christians and her heart burned with love for the Lord. She learned the basics of true faith and accepted the rite of baptism. Father, hearing that Varvara no longer worships the old gods, brutally beat her daughter. But torture did not force her to renounce the Creator. Then Dioscor passed it on to Martian, the ardent persecutor of all Christians.

No torture could force a poor woman to change her beliefs. At night, the Light lit up her dungeon, and Jesus appeared to the martyr. He healed her terrible wounds and comforted the girl. In the morning, the torturers marveled at the miracle and tortured Varvara even more. Realizing that the woman would not succumb to persuasion, she was sentenced to death. The father personally killed his disobedient daughter with the sword. The torturers did not feast for long, they were soon struck by the wrath of the Lord. Martian and Dioscor were killed by a thunderbolt that wiped sinners.

Since the VI century, the relics of the martyr were kept in Constantinople. It so happened that Princess Varvara, daughter of the Byzantine emperor Alexy I, married the Russian prince Svyatopolk. The father allowed to take to Russia the relics of St. Barbara. Time and evil people could not destroy them. Most of them are kept in the Vladimir Cathedral, and the left foot in 1943 was taken from Ukraine. Now she is in Canada at the Holy Barbarian Cathedral (Edmonton).

What are the prayers of St. Barbara?

On the eve of the execution, the martyr asked the Lord to help all faithful Christians who prayed for her help. Those who will ask for protection from accidental trouble, sudden death, who are afraid to die without repentance, they will all find help from Saint Barbara. The healing power of the holy relics was known to the people long ago. Ruinous ulcers struck Russia many times, but always she bypassed the holy temple, where they slept.

The day of St. Barbara's memory is celebrated on December 17. Many believers turn their gaze to her face. What helps St. Barbara? At all times, her protection was requested by those who most often risked dying without repentance from sudden death. They were travelers, merchants, people of dangerous occupations (miners, military). The martyr is addressed during a thunderstorm, so that she protects Christians from lightning strikes. Also, Saint Varvara is considered the patroness of artisans.

The relics of St. Barbara have long been attributed to miraculous properties. It was believed that they are capable of charging their divine energy with other things. In the crayfish with relics, the believers kept their crosses and rings for a while, and then carried them on themselves as powerful talismans. It is known that the Empress Anna Ioannovna and Elizaveta Petrovna removed their expensive rings, replacing them with modest ringlets from the holy martyr of the patroness of Barbara.

For women in Russia was considered a great sin to wash, whiten or knead clay on the day of St. Barbara. It was possible to do handicrafts only, but this was only permitted after a special prayer. On this day the housewives cooked vareniki with poppy and cottage cheese, and young girls tried to guess fortunes. It was necessary to break a twig of cherry in the garden and put it in the water. If at Christmas it blossoms, then this year a successful marriage is possible. Also, according to popular signs, it was believed that what the weather would be like in Varvara would be the same on the street and on a bright Christmas .