Forshmack - classic recipe

Fans of herring, for sure, will appreciate the recipes from this article. After all, it will be a question of forshmake, a snack that is prepared from herring, eggs, apples, loaf and butter. In some recipes, potatoes are present, in others - nuts, and in the third, even cheese is added. Now we will tell you how to cook forschmak.

Forshmack is a classic Jewish recipe



Herring is cleaned, we remove the insides and bones. Slices dried pudding filled with water to soften. Eggs, onion and apples are cleaned. We pass all the ingredients through the meat grinder. The resulting stuffing thoroughly mixed and add mustard, vinegar to taste and vegetable oil. Again, foreshmk mix well. If necessary, taste it by salt. The resulting herring we put in the refrigerator for the night. And in the morning the classic forshmak is spread on bread and we eat.

Forshmack herring - a classic recipe



Fillet of herring, apples and eggs cut into pieces. We pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder or grind in a blender to a homogeneous consistency. Now add the butter. It must be obtained in advance from the refrigerator, so that it softens. Thoroughly mix everything. We serve Forshmack to the table on pieces of baguette or white bread.

Forshmack herring - a classic recipe with potatoes



Cut the herring carcasses, remove the peel, the insides and the bones. Please note that the herring, which is sold in pieces in butter, can not be used - the taste of the dish will be hopelessly spoiled.

We pass the herring through a meat grinder. Eggs, potatoes and apples three on a large grater. Onion finely chopped and fried in butter. Mix all the ingredients, add black pepper, lemon juice or vinegar to taste and mix again. You can serve such a snack in the herring-garden, decorating with chopped herbs or on slices of bread.

How to cook forcemeat from herring with nuts?



The herring is cleaned, poured with milk and leave for 20 minutes. If the herring is caught salty, then you can hold it in milk and longer. Slices of the loaf are also macerated. All ingredients are placed in a blender and we rub them. Add sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil and mix.

How to cook a classic forschak from herring?



Eggs cook for about 7 minutes after boiling water, so they turned out to be "hard-boiled". Baton filled with water or milk to soften. The herring is cleaned and also soaked in milk. Then finely chop it. Boiled eggs, apple, onions are cleaned and cut into cubes. Butter is also cut into pieces - this will then facilitate the mixing process. Through the meat grinder we pass the pressed loaf, apple, onion, herring. In the resulting mass, put the butter and mix. Now add the crushed eggs and mix again. If necessary, then podsalivaem forsmak to taste. We remove it in the refrigerator for 2 hours minimum. And only after that we serve to the table.