Top 10 most unattractive women in terms of men

Beauty is very important if you want to make a career in show business. But sometimes there are exceptions, and the stars are people with an appearance that is far from ideal. Below is a list of famous women, whom men consider the most unattractive.

The rating is based on surveys conducted by different sites. We add that, in the opinion of men, unattractiveness includes not only a repulsive appearance, but also vulgarity of manners and artificiality of the image.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Despite the fact that Sarah Jessica is known as an icon of style, and many girls try to imitate her in a manner to dress, most men find the actress completely ugly. One of the respondents characterizes it as follows:

"She is bony, her nose is ugly. She looks like a witch with terrible teeth and a lot of wrinkles "

Lindsey Lohan

Just 10 years ago, Lindsay was very attractive, but addictions, numerous plastic surgeries and excessive sunbathing changed her appearance for the worse. The actress is only 31 years old, but, according to the men, she looks 40 or even 50%. Moreover, she is accused of duplicity and lack of inner beauty.

Miley Cyrus

The image of an aggressive and asexual teenager prevented Miley from looking attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Although for several years the singer has been trying to be feminine with might and main, having grown her hair and choosing refined outfits, men are still not ready to perceive her in a new way.

Joslin Wandelstein

Joslin is also known under the pseudonym of "female cat". It is this animal that the celebrity considers the ideal of beauty. To become like a small predator, Jocelin turned to a plastic surgeon for help. After doing several operations, she was so carried away by the process that she still can not stop and, according to rumors, spent more than $ 4 million on changing her appearance. But all this money was wasted in vain: men find the "cat-woman" terrible. At the same time, Jocelin often appears in public places, accompanied by gentlemen. However, according to rumors, under the authority of its "beauty" only alfonsy fall.

Donatella Versace

Another example of how the fascination with plastic surgery can, instead of the expected beauty, lead to exactly the opposite results. Donatella, though it has an irreproachable taste, looks ridiculous. A big mouth, a quirky nose and eyes-slits, and excessive leanness reliably guard it from admiring men's looks.

Paris Hilton

Men think that the beauty of Paris Hilton is greatly exaggerated.

"No amount of plastic surgery will make this woman nice, beautiful or even just decent"

Perhaps in such a negative evaluation, the past Paris was to blame, when she abused alcohol and behaved too defiantly.

Kim Kardashian

The popular saying goes: "our shooting everywhere is ripe!", And this applies to Kim Kardashian, who managed to get both in the ratings of the sexiest stars, and in the lists of the most unattractive women. What is Kim so not pleased with the stronger sex? Most men believe that it is too unnatural and false, and behind tons of cosmetics is the most ordinary appearance.

Megan Fox

With her, the same thing happened with Kardashian - the unnaturalness of manners and the too-perfect appearance, obtained as a result of plasticity, only repels the representatives of the stronger sex.

Courtney Love

Because of too stormy and unhealthy way of life Courtney looks emaciated, prematurely aged and not well-groomed. The situation is not saved even by plastic surgery, which Courtney is not averse to pampering herself with.

Kristen Stewart

At the beginning of her career, Kristen was a very sweet and humble girl and probably liked many men. But now, having made an ultrashort haircut and declaring love for women, she lost most of her fans.