Reproductive organs

Reproductive organs are those organs that are responsible for the birth of a person. Through these bodies, the process of fertilization and gestation of the child, as well as his birth, is carried out. Human reproductive organs differ according to gender. This is the so-called sexual dimorphism. The system of female reproductive organs is much more complicated than that of men, since the most important function of bearing and giving birth to a baby falls on a woman.

Structure of female reproductive organs

The organs of the reproductive system of women have the following structure:

The anatomy of female reproductive organs is very complex and fully intended for the function of procreation.

Reproductive bodies of women

The organs of the reproductive sphere of women form:

  1. Lobok - the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall, which rises due to the development of the subcutaneous fat layer, which has a hair covering.
  2. Sexual lips - folds of the skin, covering the genital gaps on both sides, divided into so-called small and large labia. The purpose of these organs is to create a mechanical protection of the entrance to the vagina, as well as the urinary tract. The large labia, like the pubis, have a scalp, while the small labia does not have it. They are gently pink, have an increased amount of sebaceous glands, nerve and vascular endings.
  3. The clitoris is the organ responsible for the sexual sensations of the woman, located at the upper ends of the labia minora.
  4. The threshold of the vagina is a space that looks like a slit, which is limited on both sides by the labia, and also the clitoris and the posterior articulation of the labia. An external opening of the urethra opens into this organ. The vestibule of the vagina performs sexual function, and therefore is sensitive to any touch.
  5. Bartholin glands are female reproductive organs located in the thickness of the base of large genital folds, which secrete vaginal fluid during sexual arousal.
  6. The vagina is an internal organ that participates in sexual intercourse and in childbirth. Its length is on average 8 centimeters. Inside this body is lined with mucous membrane with a lot of folds, which gives the vagina the ability to stretch during childbirth.
  7. Ovaries are the reproductive glands of a woman performing the function of storing eggs waiting for their time. Every month, a mature egg leaves the ovaries, ready for fertilization.
  8. Uterine tubes - hollow tubes, located on the right and left side and coming from the ovaries and the uterus. On them the fertilized or ready to coition ovum makes its way.
  9. Uterus is the main genital organ having the shape of a pear. It consists entirely of muscles and is intended for bearing the fetus.
  10. The cervix is ​​the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. It is important for gestation and during childbirth.

Ultrasound of reproductive organs

Ultrasound of the reproductive organs is the most important way to diagnose various diseases associated with the genital area. It is safe, painless, simple and requires minimum preparation. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is prescribed for diagnostic purposes (including after abortion and during pregnancy), as well as for performing some interventions that require visual control. Women can undergo ultrasound of reproductive organs transvaginally or transabdominally. The first method is more convenient, since it does not require the filling of the bladder.