42 gifki, which will definitely make you smile

Several months of users of the popular Internet portal asked to show the most, in their opinion, funny gifku. The result did not disappoint!

1. She was so close!

2. "Hey, Hey ...!" Oh!"

3. "No, I will not ... I can keep myself in all four paws ... Aw, okay, hell with it!"


5. Never take the ball from a stranger.

6. And do not sit down where you should not.

7. "Good afternoon, sir!"

8. "This is completely disgusting."

9. I show the last time, study!

10. Moment of all life.

11. "Man, well, are you completely stupid? What are you shoving molds that do not fit each other into a dork ?! "

12. Remember, children, firecrackers and dogs are not the best combination.

13. "The cat? WHERE???"

14. He is still trying.

15. "Manure. I hate dung. "

16. AAAAA !!! Bees!

17. It is rapid.

18. "There you are!"

19. "No, here you are!"

20. Nope.

21. Bloody children.

22. But because there was nothing to stand under the door.

23. Well, well, it's more vicious, but still funny.

24. And since we're talking about hyphae with animals ...

25. They are all pretty funny.





30. Oh, I think I forgot to turn off the gas! Oh, no, I'm a dog.


32. - Gav! Gav! You, worthless bipedal creature, well, quickly here!

- Yes, did you say something?

"Who?" I? Nope, I'm just here, just sitting.

33. Gifki with children is also another sight.


35. And some do not even need words.


37. Come on, eat your vegetables!




41. Freedom for the fish!

42. An excellent selection, will you agree?