Osteosynthesis of clavicle

Osteosynthesis of the clavicle is an operation to connect the damaged bones. To this method of treatment resorted to fractures of the clavicle , which are accompanied by a strong squeezing of the neurovascular bundle, with a significant displacement of the fragments or with the threat of perforation of the skin.

Features of osteosynthesis of clavicle

In recent years, many doctors have abandoned bone grafts or spokes during osteosynthesis of the clavicle. Most commonly used:

  1. The nail of Bogdanov is used for this nail-bolt in length from 8-12 cm. The patient is given anesthesia , the fragments of the clavicle are exposed and after their isolation the medullary cavity is drilled with a drill whose diameter is equal to the diameter of the nail-bolt. Through a hole on the front surface of the fragment, a nail is inserted into the channel, the debris is compared, and the bolt is advanced. On the protruding end of the fixing nail screw the nut until the ends of the fragments are squeezed between them.
  2. A special plate - this device consists of a long and short plate, which are connected by two jumpers. They are separated by a longitudinal through hole. Therefore, during the osteosynthesis of the clavicle with a plate, it is possible to perform X-ray observations of the consolidation of debris. Cumulative fixation is performed under general anesthesia. Removal of the plate after osteosynthesis of the clavicle takes place after 2-4 weeks.

Complications of clavicle osteosynthesis

When choosing the right indications and technically competent surgery, the results of osteosynthesis of the clavicle with Bogdanov's nail or plate are always good. But when very short pins are used or when drilled with very thick drill bits of bone marrow cavities, the fragments may not be sufficiently firmly fixed or their insufficient immobilization will be ensured. Therefore, the size of the drill and pin must be selected very carefully.

Although in the field of surgical access in the operation does not accommodate large sosudiki, you should beware of damage to the vessels located under the clavicle. If they are hurt, there will be a dangerous bleeding.